And by conservatives you mean two random twitter accounts that, at least in the article screens, do not mention their political view at all, one random youtube commenter with no mention of political views, and one conservative sports website which is kind of a weird crossover.
Let’s keep it real here, that article is trying suuuuper hard to be edgy with nothing much to cling to. Conservatives stopped talking about gay people in the 90’s.
Conservatives are freaking out because they learned that some animals are gay
Are we seriously doomed to have this stupid ass homophobia shoved down our throats by conservative bigots every 5-10 years because they keep getting mad about the same thing all over again? I've been listening to this shit for over 20 years now.
Just know that these asshats take extreme pride in their hate. They will subject people to it until the day they die. Christianity is an eternal well of hate and ignorance. And they want to make sure no one is ever happy, the miserable fucks!
Also, he mentions 20 years, I have seen it going on much longer than 20 years, sadly. If they seize power via a Ronald McDonald presidency, they will make things far, far worse. I remember things being very hostile toward gays (trans, etc., didn't really get a mention other than for comedy) at the height of the fear over AIDS. I think the boot lifted a bit from their neck during the 70s, a whole lot of people seemed to view the 80s as their comeuppance for daring to be who they are...
And anyone that votes for Republicans, and yet is not a fully white, xtian, far-right cishet male is absolutely kidding themselves. They'll have you up against the wall eventually no matter how much Ronald McDonald regalia you might have purchased.
Given their history, I'm thinking yes. And they have more plans than just poutrages on their alternative reality cinematic universe, they want to force their worldview of xtian Sharia Law on everyone.
I've watched decades of leftist get their heads kicked in by conservative police forces who have learned how to better kick in heads. Mean while leftists are showing up with a playbook that hasn't been updated in 70 years. If anything the 70s probably had more effective playbook. Point is its fun to say but the left is not making a great case for learning and adapting.
Hell in Canada they have pretty much fucked us for a few decades pretty severely
We've been fed a story about non violent protest leading to change. They told us any non violence but intentionally left out the most important part about those protests. Those marches were to places where all those people were going to get in line to register to vote. They were out to achieve something and gum up the system. They were forcing their oppressors to contend with them.
Just showing up with signs and saying you think something is wrong is never going to do anything. They know we don't like it, they don't care.
You have to go inside, make a demand, and be followed by a thousand people who also make a demand. Prevent them from doing business until they deal with you. They will respond with violence. That is the point.
You go with a specific list of demands, you go in to the place you want to meet those demands, and you don't leave until you're forced to. You keep doing that until it becomes a national problem.
You cannot effectively protest non violently without disrupting business in concrete in measurable ways. You might as well just shout at a wall.
I’m deeply sad that Alex jones got his hands on that one. There’s a potentially huge effect that birth control has on fish reproduction, but I suspect people dismiss it because Jones said libs were turning frogs gay
In high school, the conservative kids refused to accept homosexuality occurred in Greek culture. Then when they finally did accept it, said it was why God destroyed their civilization?
They are in violent and vehement denial about facts that are empirically documented and readily observable with ones own eyes.
They didn't actually learn anything. It will be written off as some "degenerate liberuhl conspiracy", as they do with every other fact that doesn't align with their perverse totalitarian worldview.
I mean, that's the entire conservative/right-wing M.O.
“It’s unclear if there is an official Hierarchy of Victimhood for animals,” Outkick bleats. “There is for humans. Transgender persons sit atop. Straight white Christian men sit at the bottom, almost buried beneath the pyramid.”
Pfffft. What a hypocrite. Whining about trans people's immense victimhood, while using the exact same metaphor to imply that, in fact, HE is the most victimized of all by not even being allowed to be the victim. By being "buried beneath the pyramid" of victimhood. Bahahahaha. The cognitive dissonance is incredible.
And buddy... That "Christian" part is apparently doing a lot of heavy lifting on your victim complex, my guy. Plenty of us straight white men get by without being under constant attack. If everyone around you seems like an asshole, maybe you're the asshole. And maybe if you acted a little more Christ-like, you'd give people less reason to attack you and you'd make more friends with different kinds of people.
The problem in his view, as best I can tell, is that there is a natural hierarchy, that he belongs on top of telling everyone else what to do, and any upset of this natural hierarchy is oppressing him. He may not have thought this out in so many words, but it's a hypothesis that seems to make accurate predictions about what people in his reference class will do and say.
Oh, definitely. Conservatives are all about social hierarchies and how it’s the only ‘natural’ form of society. Anyone trying to ‘rise above their place’ or help someone do so is an enemy to be destroyed, lest they cause the collapse of society as we know it.
Straight white Christian men sit at the bottom, almost buried beneath the pyramid
Like a Pharaoh? Buried with concubines and unimaginable riches and feasts in an elaborate sarcophagus? Under a monument built on the backs of thousands of slaves and their suffering and death? Yeah, okay, that tracks.
I love that you specifically sad Peacock. It reminds me both of the rainbow-colored peacock logo of NBC in the 90s, as well as their PSA bumper "The more you know".
Well the second argument is true, it's just that being gay isn't unethical. But talk to them about veganism and all of a sudden we can eat insane amounts of dead animals cause lions eat other animals too?
Let's now wait until they learn about shrimps and hermaphroditism in animals.
Northern shrimp, also commonly known as northern prawn, are a sequential hermaphrodite. This is a term used for animals that start their life as one sex and change to the other later in life. In the case of northern shrimp, they are born as males and become females at around four or five years of age.
In a group of anemonefish, a strict dominance hierarchy exists. The largest and most aggressive female is found at the top. Anemonefish are protandrous sequential hermaphrodites, meaning they develop into males first, and when they mature, they become females. If the female anemonefish is removed from the group, such as by death, one of the largest and most dominant males becomes a female.
And if they hear this information, they may stare blankly, refuse to take in the new information, then respond with a thought-terminating cliche like "God only made two genders."
The conservative education system makes a special effort to misinform/occlude information about certain natural facts of life for generations of people. So every graduation cycle or two, you've got a fresh faced cohort of brainwashed kids who have to find out about the gay penguins from 1912 for the first time, ten years after they've cemented their bias against homosexuality on "rationalist" grounds.
We've been playing similar games with evolution since the fucking Stokes Monkey Trial. Identical debunked arguments showed up in The Panda's Thumb over a century after they were ostensibly put to bed.
You'll periodically see this show up in regards to phrenology and eugenics, as well. All sorts of inane long-dismissed claims about how physiognomy clues amateur race-sleuths in to someone's criminal intent or intellectual fitness or breeding capacity.
Recycling pseudoscience and vaguely sourced gossip is also very popular in anti-abortion circles, giving us all sorts of zombie lies about pagan blood sacrifice of fetuses and elaborate plots to cull the white race.
The dogmatism of western bigotry is baked into conservative ideology. You can find people dredging up the same old tired lies from the 19th century in arguments made before the US Congress and the Supreme Court to this very day.
I remember Manny Pacquiao saying homosexuals are worst than animals because homosexuality does not exist in the animal kingdom. He was promptly educated.
"I'm sorry for hurting people by comparing homosexuals to animals. Please forgive me for those I've hurt. I still stand on my belief that I'm against same sex marriage because of what the Bible says, but I'm not condemning LGBT. I love you all with the love of the Lord. God Bless you all and I'm praying for you."
Clearly not well enough. This is the old liberal-adjacent "Hate the sin, love the sinner" canard that moderate fundamentalists trot out, in order to exist in that gray "agree to disagree" space liberals love. Give it too much room to breath, and you're going to be escorted to the Gay Conversion Therapy Camps with big rainbow colored "ordnen macht frei" signs over the entrance gate.
Haven't seen the documentary but would be great to have an annotated list of accounts of gay animals from throughout history to point people towards so they can't say its chemicals in the water or microplastics turning animals gay in the current era.
It doesn't mention any historical examples from before 1990 due to cultural prejudice but I'd be shocked if the Greeks and Romans didn't write on the subject, being such avid observers of the natural world. Sounds like a fun research project for a historian, I'm sure it's out there.
Alex Jones' well known statement that "they're putting chemicals in the water that turn the fricking frogs gay" isn't enough for them to support even the most basic environmental regulation.
A nice thought that there are inroads on the environment among the paranoid set of conservatives, maybe worth exploring. I recall studies showing some kinds of chemical effluent having gender based effects on fish at least, which might be the origin of Alex's bizarre theory.
The trailer for the series is full of comments criticizing Peacock (the publisher) for releasing this documentary and saying they'll delete their Peacock accounts.
I've never heard of them before and I might open an account specifically to watch this! It looks genuinely good from the trailer
I was told that all these things happen because Eve ate the forbidden fruit and doomed the world to fall into sin. I guess that is why they hate women so much.
Also, I am glad to hear about another interesting documentary. I'm going to add this to my watch list.
Lazy reporting. Three comments on X is not a freak out. What happened to journalism? When did it become copying and pasting comments from social media?
Some poor excuse for journalism is better than anything fox news ever has to say. The time where they had any credibility at all has long since passed. At least those Twitter posts are real...
LGBTQNation has an agenda? That's ABSURD! It's OBVIOUSLY a very balanced outlet as you can CLEARLY see in it's name! Anyways I'm going to go watch Fox NEWS.
yawn... why do we still sit around and talk in flabbergasted bewilderment about how dumb conservatives are? WE KNOW THEY'RE FUCKING IDIOTS. the question is 'what are we going to do about it?' - continue to let them have a say in democracy?
say what you want about them but they're doing a pretty good job of forcing their agenda on US because most of YOU are too chickenshit to do anything to stop them.
what are we going to do about it? - continue to let them have a say in democracy?
Yes, because without their voice, it's not democracy anymore. That's how democracy works. The only thing you really can do is try to educate the ignorant.
yeah, that's not working, and i'm more interested in avoiding the consequences of their policies than i am protecting their freedom. they've been educated for the last 2 decades and they've only dug their heels in deeper. there's only one solution at this point.
I'll hear what they have to say, but if it's not grounded in science/reason/common sense, it has no place in law. And their votes shouldn't be worth a staggering amount more than everyone else's.