When are 706 people named Kyle in the same place not enough? When a world record is at stake. Another attempt Saturday by the city of Kyle, Texas, to break the world record for the largest gathering of people with one name has again fallen short.
How many people named Kyle can fit in one place? For one Texas city, not enough.
Another attempt by the city of Kyle, Texas, to break the world record for the largest gathering of people with one name fell short Saturday despite 706 Kyles of all ages turning up at a park in the suburbs of Austin.
The crown is currently held by a town in Bosnia that got 2,325 people named Ivan together in 2017, according to Guinness World Records.
Does it not count if there are people with different names mixed in? Surely there are more than 2325 Muhammads at a large congregation in a Muslim majority country. It's the world's most common name
The largest ticketed concerts have had several hundred thousand attendees. I bet if they reviewed the names on the tickets, they’d find they set world records for gatherings of people with the same name without even realizing it.
I was trying to remember the name, I immediately thought of that when I saw this. I love how it turned into a fundraiser for a nearby children's hospital and a canned food drive.
Winner of the Best Josh was a 4 year old kid from the hospital too:
I'd wager there are over 3,000 Kyles living in the both the New York City and Los Angeles County areas. It's the getting them all in one place at one time that's the problem.
Kyle is just down the road from Austin, TX. They probably should have sought people named "Austin", because I encountered way more of those in Texas then I did Kyle.