And also your mom is so ancient and immense that it transcends the limits of langauge and comprehension.
57 0 ReplyAyyy gottem
13 0 Replyrekt
1 0 ReplyGot'em!
1 0 Reply
The duality of man:
A: Something exists, but I can't describe it and neither can anyone else? Sure thing, buddy.
B: I'm going to save this quote for next time I'm feeling down.
30 0 Replymagnetism exists but it's magic for everybody. the more you learn physics the more dark the magic gets.
2 0 Reply
I say we all abandon work tomorrow and go wherever this is
21 0 ReplyLet's try to gauge the limits of language
21 0 ReplyRinderkennzeichnungsfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabenübertragungsgesetz
Are we close?
7 0 ReplyDonaudampfschiffahrtselektrizitätenhauptbetriebswerkbauunterbeamtengesellschaft.
Even more impressive because of it's unholy pronunciation, the Hungarian „longest” word: ’megszentségteleníthetetlenségeskedéseitekért’
2 0 Reply
Honestly this is true. I experienced it when I was a kid wandering out on a beach in Jamaica in the middle of the night. Staring at the Milky Way and I felt this.
7 0 ReplyI want to experience that. Jamaica was beautiful for the 6-7 hours I was there on my honeymoon. I can imagine how beautiful it would be to walk on those beaches at night with the galaxy hanging above. Man ... you had a lucky childhood my dude.
1 0 Reply
This showed up tight after the "I came during a prostate exam" meme and now I can't think of anything else
5 0 ReplyI love that there's something in our monkey brain that is just enamored with moving water.
4 0 Reply