Installing a bidet at home was life changing but
unfortunately it's transformed pooping on
company time from a small proletarian victory into
yet another grueling humiliation of inadequate
working conditions.
I've always wondered, why aren't Bidet Showers(aka the bum gun) more popular in the west? Should be a far more cheaper and similarly hygienic option no?
I don't have too much experience with this style, so this is probably completely unfair... but I lived with a guy for a bit who brought his own portable version that hooks up to the sink... and dude would constantly leave water everywhere no matter what we'd tell him. So I def prefer the in-seat style based on my lack of trust for the humans using them.
As someone who has used both the bidet shower and the in-seat style, you're right. The bumgun tends to be more messy. Your hand will also tend to get wet, but not necessarily because of splashback.
Are you kidding?? I would never use a public bidet. Even the thought of one is appalling. I feel like people that love a bidet don't understand how bacteria work.
Our bathrooms aren't set up for that in the US at least. The floor is often wood or fake vinyl wood. The only part of the bathroom that is waterproof is the shower/bath.