People have complained about FO4’s graphics since release. I always thought it was a good looking game. Coming back after the next-gen update I still think it looks good.
Brother the company is owned by Microsoft now. You can complain about their product in any way you want. Its sold under Microsoft, you can complain. Again, Microsoft
Reminded me that Bethesda does release some great / huge games.
Albeit quite bugged at release,
but since they (usually) embrace the modding scene, lots of this can be / has been patched and even improved by the community.
The Next Gen update is a stupid cash-grab though, and imo should have never happened..
The only reason they are going to New Vegas for season 2, is to lay down a whole bunch of Bethesda-fied revisionist history about the whole Nevada area.
They would want to torch the playing field, and make creating a New Vegas 2 that is worth a damn impossible, in anticipation of the possibility Microsoft might put Obsidian on Fallout too, after Outer Worlds 2.
After the studio closures Microsoft just did? Todd is probably, and absolutely justifiably, scared shitless with Obsidian and MGM Amazon's 'friendly' competition.
They actually made the load time worse with their update. Not by a little, by a fucking tonne. Going from any interior to outside now takes like a full minute and 30 seconds, its ridiculous.
It took that time before the update for me as well. 1-2 minutes for every loading screen. There was a mod for that (before the next-gen update) that you could not load via nexus, bc the setup was a little more conplex, but it worked really well (see )
The method of this mod was to speed up the fps only while in the loading screen to 300-350 bc the loading times were somehow tied to the fps. Well done Bethesda.
It seemed a lot faster for me prior to this latest update, but they were never superb. Here's hoping either the mods can be fixed or bethesda can get their shit together.
Hah, those are the load times I used to get on my Xbox One with its dinky HDD. At the very least, The Midnight Ride has been updated to post next-gen, and I now get really small loading times (<5 sec) on my SSD. The game feels less rough around the edges, too. Only took 3 hours to set up :,)
Super strange because on PS5 the load times are extremely fast since the patch. indoor / outdoor transitions are never longer than 4 or 5 seconds, and quick travel maybe 6 or so
Well the updates to Skyrim, Fallout and lack of modding tools for Starfield seems to indicate that it is now a reality. I seriously cannot fathom why they would sabotage themselves like that. It's absolutely obvious since at least Oblivion that mods are lifeline and reason for success of Bethesda rpg games yet here we are.
I am so glad that Irongate is being much smarter with Valheim. You can opt into the beta and also choose older versions of the game to downgrade to, all within Steam. Very helpful for an early-access game with tons of mods and sporadic updates.
I don't understand why people put up with this with a freaking game. I will never pay money to companies that do this stuff. There are literally tens of thousands of games available right now that are perfectly enjoyable.
Todd Howard: we hear you fans, we are currently working on updates for Morrowind, Starfield and Elder Scrolls Online which will break add-on/mod support and ruin the frame rate for those games instead of just FO4!
Are you familiar with Tamriel Rebuilt? The team has been adding content to the mainland of Morrowind for 20 years. They're technically not finished, but there's plenty to do.
I'm far from an expert with mod development, but this seems like the best way out of the mess they've put themselves in. I think modders would come in droves if they made it really easy
So, they're giving it the Skyrim treatment. I think it's received about 10 version updates since AE launched like 2 years ago. I ended up downloading a modlist that was 1.5.97 (the original version of Skyrim SE) and ended up sticking with it since it's future proofed.
They definitely are, I have been using 1.6 for a while, it's just a pain in the ass to keep updating SKSE mods or those mods that support 1.6 but only older versions because the authors don't make mods anymore.
The most thriving mod communities are ones for games that have essentially been abandoned by their publisher. Bethesda is infamous for trying to integrate with its modding scene and personally I don’t care for it.
It’s not that they can’t, it’s that people are getting blindsided by updates to a game which supposedly hasn’t received updates for over half a decade, and downgrading on Steam is a surprisingly huge PITA. The Midnight Ride recommends patching, fwiw.
They can. The issue is it'd eventually split the community. Mods that no longer have support will be lost, and the ones that do will either decide it isn't worth updating each time or have to put up two versions. It also creates needless new work for people, especially the F4SE devs.
Aside from some still holding to LE. There are the 1.5.97 SE users and the 1.6+ AE users. And there have been at least one or two more updates in the 1.6 line that also caused more issues and require their own dedicated builds of various mods.
You have one story, thats it. They can update that game til PS7 is a thing and you will have 1 story. I love the game but the replay value is minimal, at best
In this entire article, not even a single attempt to quantity the number of complaints.
This sounds to me like an extremely small minority. It appears as though Fallout 4 has sold over 25 million copies, and there's.... Maybe a couple dozen people on the Internet complaining?