This was tried in court. The response from the judge was "If the man is dead, then he cannot petition the court. If the man is not dead, then his life sentence has not been served." An excellent exchange of sophistry!
There would be a market for adenosine in prisons if this held up. Usually stops the heart for ~10 seconds when slammed in the IV. We use it to convert supraventricular tachycardia back to a normal sinus rhythm. But there is a few seconds if terror most the time.
I read this, don't know if it's true, that in the UK the sentence used to be "hang by the neck" but then they cut the rope before a guy died. He argued that the sentence was to hang by the neck, and the sentence was fulfilled. The judge agreed and from then on it was "hang by the neck till dead". Might be totally made up but I want it to be true
And there was that one guy who claimed that scientifically every cell in our body regenerates every 7 years, so after 7 years you are no longer the same person who committed the crime. So prisoners should not have to stay in prison more than 7 years.
Gonna correct, this is false-ish... however it is much slower. By the time you're 50 for example all of the neurons in your hippocampus will have been replaced. It's called neurogenesis. It is not currently known whether its the same rate for all of the brain some parts are a little faster, other parts are slower.
Not sure if it is the same article but a search gave multiple hits with articles using the same picture, so I guess at least those are the same? Man is still I prison.