I think windows+v syncs to microsoft servers or something. I remember when I was running chris titus tech's debloat script it removed that functionality.
I took a look through my power toys settings, but couldn't find anything there that had to do with the win+v clipboard history. Google hasn't been any help either. What is it that I'm overlooking? How does powertoys improve the clipboard history feature?
Application specific buffers are the first thing I disable on emacs. The OS one isn't just integrated with every other normal piece of software, it's also more powerful and easier to use.
I don't have the name handy, but there's at least one plugin for vim that shows buffer previews in a popup. I've got it mapped to leader-sb (for "show buffer").
You can see all registers in use with :registers, to paste from a register say "2 in insert mode use key combination <ctrl-r>2 or in normal mode "2p. You can check out more in :help registers. Unnamed register or "" is the system clipboard I think. To copy texts in a register you can prepend yank (/delete/cut, etc.) with that register "_ (for black hole register[^black_hole])
This is for neovim. Have keybinds for them and there saved you a plugin :D
[^black_hole]: Text yanked in this register is gone, i.e. it's not saved in any register.
So far I haven't been brave enough for that feature. It's either "that main place yank goes", "system clipboard", or "that place that makes it disappear" for me
Yes. X11 replaced X10's obsolete cut buffers (which can be modified by any process) with state-of-the-art selections. There are three selections in X11: a primary, a secondary, and a clipboard.
In modern desktops, the primary selection is overwritten every time you select some text (including in the terminal), which makes its content very ephemeral. You can paste it with the middle mouse button.
The secondary selection is generally not used, but it's present in the specification, and you can use xclip -selection secondary to access it. Wayland doesn't seem to have a secondary selection.
The clipboard selection is what most people understand to be THE clipboard. You have to write to it explicitly (through a keyboard shortcut, API, or CLI tool), and its content persists until it is overwritten, explicitly cleared, or the X server is killed. While the primary and secondary can only contain text, the clipboard can contain many kinds of data.
They are. Registers are just "named boxes" where you can store some text and/or keystrokes. When yanking and pasting, the unnamed register is used if you don't specify a name (you can still see or edit it explicitly). For recording a macro there is no default register, though. You need to give it a name.
I also missed multiple courses, but I started using vim-visual-multi in my nvim config and it's been great. There's a few others I tried that I couldn't get to work quite right (usually some weird conflict with nvim-cmp) but I've had the best success with vim-visual-multi.
I had to learn emacs for my engineering computation class, up to the point that we were required to present our code in emacs if we had questions to ask during office hours.
I'm just an emacs ... enjoyer (...?) and I just don't understand the post. I'm pretty sure buffers here refer to something different from emacs buffers as they're completely unrelated to clipboards. Then from a quick scan of the plug-in mentioned it seems to mimic the clipboard ring emacs has had for many decades (always?).
I think you mean registers not buffers. buffers are file(s) loaded in memory while registers contain text yanked/deleted/last command/last search, etc.
What do you mean by regular target? I am either yanking from the OS buffer or yanking things from 2 different buffers. Or I have 2 macros where they yank from different buffers.
Give CopyQ a try. Open source, cross platform clipboard manager with tons of features.
One example option is being able to only ever paste plain text. It also has lots of programming hooks, I have a few for doing things like converting a line-feed delimited list into one delimited by commas and quoting the values.
the vim-visual-multi plugin tries to do this. It takes some time to get the hang of it, but, even if using only the simplest features, it's way better than not having the option.