Shit fuck all, we're no contact estranged and I'm happy with that. She's a mean dangerous manipulative evil person, and even turning 80 later this month is still as vituperative as ever. I will love up my wonderful aunt instead.
Flowers, as per usual, but this time I got her orchids which I've never done before. I got her some soap too, hoping to drop by briefly on Monday on the way home from a road trip and give it to her, maybe grab dinner or something too.
She really enjoys gardening so I found a young bonsai tree for her to take care of. Thought it would be something she'd enjoy. Currently trying to keep it alive until I can give it to her but I did not inherit her green thumb.
I offered to buy some dna testing kits for her, as well as for my children. It was not a well received offer.
The joke is on her, though. split up my dna by parent contributions, without her sample being submitted. Her dna is technically on there. Now wouldn’t it be funny if she submitted a test later and it didn’t match me? I’d feel like Bambi in that scene where the mom is dead and Bambi is yelling, “Mother? Mother?!?” If the woman who raised me doesn’t match me, it would really make sense with regard to how she treated me.