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The best Star Trek community on the internet. Next Episode Strange New Worlds Season 2 Episode 6 | Lost In Translation. Airs July 20th. Rules Be polite We can all agree on how great Star Trek is but that’s probably the only thing we will all agree on. Respect other people’s opinions, even when they ...

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Your opinions will never be removed from the community. Even if you say you don’t like a particular series, character, writer or producer.

  • Well, I have to give the OP credit for outrageous audacity.

    Coming to the main community on the dedicated Star Trek instance to argue that users should subscribe elsewhere is inherently a criticism. It says a lot about the tolerance of the mods and admins here that it’s been left to stand.

    I myself appreciate a well moderated community because I believe it enables more discussion not less.

  • This post implies that there is something wrong with this community, which in itself is the people in it, which I guess includes me.

    Do you have a reference to comments having been removed? I'm on mobile and can't see the modlog.

    Personally I'd prefer to be on the main community than splintered on one that was likely made by someone who wanted their own mod authority.

    • They are the same mods from Reddit which are well know for their intolerance to criticism.

    • There’s nothing wrong with the community. The mods however are the same mods from Reddit that banned me for saying that Star Trek Discovery is lower rated on Rotten Tomatoes than any of the series pre-2005. This was labelled as misleading and not constructive to a conversation about the rating various series have from users. When I sent a link with proof confirming my claim I was permanently banned.

      I have more examples like people being banned for having the opinion that Kurtzman is the worst thing to happen to Star Trek but suffice to say the mods are the problem and 99% of the community are good people that are willing to accept criticism.

      My community isn’t for my “mod authority” it is so people have a place to openly voice their opinions, likes, dislikes and above all criticism without the possibility of being banned because I don’t agree with them.

      If someone thinks Discovery is peak Star Trek that’s great, I’m glad they enjoy that much. But also if someone thinks Discovery is the worst thing on TV then that is a perfectly valid opinion too and they should have a place to voice that opinion freely.

      Also I’m not sure what you use to access Lemmy but if you use the website via a browser on mobile you can see the mod log. Some removals are justified but others like this one: “The part of confessing feelings was really badly done. It seems like no one in the writer's room had a better idea at that point and then they ran out of time.” was removed 5 hours ago for “Not Constructive.”

      It’s the person’s opinion, a valid opinion too that shouldn’t be removed because the mods don’t agree.

  • Your opinions will never be removed from the community.

    So, if someone was to make the claim that in the episode “Patterns of Force”, John Gill was objectively right to introduce the planet Ekos to the fascist thought modelled on Nazi Germany because National Socialism is, as he theorized, the most efficient form of government, and the fact that the Zeons ended up persecuted and were to be victims of genocide is not only acceptable, but right and good considering who they were allegory for, that would be a welcome opinion in your community?

    • There’s always one that has to take things to the extreme in a pathetic attempt try and prove a point. 99% of people wouldn’t dream of posting the kind of stuff you just did to in an attempt to be what you obviously consider clever.

      It should also not go unnoticed that this kind of pro-Nazi post was made here and not in my community. Please stay here.

  • Wow, a whole community for persecution complex babies whining that they can't use dogwhistles and complain about 'wokeness' (whatever you think that means) without consequences? Nah, I'm good out here, thanks.

  • All right, the OP has made their sales pitch, and further discussion is unlikely to be productive.

    Just a reminder: going to other spaces on the internet in order to manipulate votes or otherwise cause trouble is uncool, and we will take action against anyone we catch doing it. I'm proud to say that this does not appear to have happened in this case, so thank you all for that.

    A further reminder that posts of this nature are considered off-topic for c/startrek - Fediverse posts belong on c/quarks.