What Trump promised oil CEOs as he asked them to steer $1 billion to his campaign: Donald Trump has pledged to scrap President Biden’s policies on electric vehicles and wind energy & more
Well that's certainly one way of generating the money you need to pay off your lawsuits.
Let humanity burn so that you can pretend to be Mr. Monopoly a little longer
I just don't get why university students put all their energy on problems long away and overseas when they don't take up activism to make their own country better
Yeah 'cause Biden is doing such a great job, lmfao. Vote third party. I like Cornel West. He's not a pathetic little removed for the oil companies, like the main party candidates.
Biden has actually stopped taking oil financing for his campaign. If you are not in a swing state, it is probably a good idea though to show that there is support for further left politics.
Well, this country isn't going to get better until we have reasonable representation, and binary is obviously not reasonable. These main candidates are atrocious. Literally both amongst the worse we've ever seen in this country. They shouldn't even be allowed to be in power. They've both committed war crimes.
So you are willing to take someone who is TOTALLY in bed with oil companies over someone who is much much less in bed with oil companies and does things like stop drilling in the arctic, fund renewables etc etc?
I feel like that kind of argument would make total sense to a 4 year old.