“The guy is not a democrat with a small d,” the president told CNN's Erin Burnett.
“The guy is not a democrat with a small d,” the president told CNN's Erin Burnett.
President Joe Biden said in an interview Wednesday he is all but certain Donald Trump, his predecessor and presumptive 2024 rival, will reject the results of the November election and called Trump “dangerous” for the nation.
“The guy is not a democrat with a small d,” Biden told CNN’s Erin Burnett during a visit to Wisconsin this week.
“How many court cases do they have, Supreme Court cases? They’ve all said this is a totally legitimate election. ... He may not accept the outcome of the election? I promise you he won’t. Which is dangerous.”
The president went on to say other world leaders had expressed to him their fear of a second Trump presidency and pointed to Trump’s pledge to prosecute his political opponents if he enters the Oval Office once more.
Trump called his own win in 2016 rigged and still hasn't accepted losing in 2020. Of course he won't accept the results in the next election whether he wins or loses.
I suspect Trump is so far under water by now he doesn't know up from down anymore. Can you imagine being 77 years old, in court everyday while managing a presidential bid?
The guy has lived his whole life in the lap of luxury and now you have the entire government analyzing your every move while the only people you interact with are slimey lawyers who think being president makes you a dictator?
So no, I don't think he will accept the election results. If they came back and said Trump won 100% of the popular vote he would probably still find a way to lash out at the DNC.
Even if he wins he won't accept any states he lost that he thought he should've won. I could absolutely see a situation where Trump sues one of the Secretaries of State and tries to pull all the same shit he did in Georgia (which he has yet to be punished for, assuming he ever will be)
Trump will never face any consequences. He is the poster boy for fascism in America that the rich and powerful have been waiting for. Once he destroys democracy, they will swoop in to ensure it never returns.
(which he has yet to be punished for, assuming he ever will be)
Federal courts are all punting these cases until after November. Even if he's convicted in New York, there's a good chance he just... refuses to go back to New York to be sentenced. Or perhaps they just don't get to sentencing until after the election, at which point it'll be a moot point.
Just like in 2016, he called the election rigged and that he wouldn't accept the results. And then he won, and suddenly, all the wolf cries of "it's rigged" vanished into thin air and they started saying how it was the most significant election of all time, a true underdog come-from-behind win, and wow look how big the crowd size is at my inauguration, I bet Obama didn't pull a crowd like that! Nothing ever mentioned about it being rigged again except for how he should have won by even wider margins than he did.
I fucking hate Trump with every fiber of my body. How stupid do you have to be to look at this guy or listen to him speak and take away anything other than the fact that he's an egomaniac who has never been held accountable for anything in his entire life? If anybody ever says positive things about him in front of me for the rest of my life, that person is dead to me.
Even calling it an underdog story kind of betrays the truth that they did not expect to win, contrary to their claims that a loss would prove a rigged election.
They know it's rigged because they're the ones rigging the damn things
It's impossible for them to understand the idea that the Democrats might not also be desperately trying to counter-rig every election, and rather just have such a shit ton more voters outside the hostile voting environments that they still occasionally pull out a win now and then
He's awesome because he fucked a porn star while his wife was pregnant?
Or is he awesome because he stole from his own charity?
Is he awesome because he's so disrespectful?
Is he so awesome because he goes on these weird nonsensical rants like the nuclear one?
Is he awesome because he estranged all the US allies, making the US weaker than ever before?
Is he awesome because he withdrew from a base in such a hurry that when Russian forces took over they still could.use all the food supplies left behind?
Is he awesome because he wants to be a dictator? Not my words, his.
Is he awesome because he completely ignored Corona, saying a miracle would cure it, and then edging people on to take ivermectin, then talking about injecting bleach? Causing millions extra to unnecessarily die, btw.
Why exactly IS he awesome? What part, that I might have missed, is awesome?
And just to be clear: all the above happened, don't even start with "that never happened" because then you need to stop watching right wing news outlets and just.. I dunno, go out and touch grass?
(Sorry, there was a dick joke to be made, and I could not help myself)
I get what he is saying, but the phrasing could have been better. This seems like something that could be flipped into a campaign slogan that hides the dark undertones of what it actually means.
He won in 2016 and he still didn't accept the result. He spent months insisting that the elections were rigged to prevent him from getting even larger margins, and then he turned the DOJ inside-out to pursue years of "election fraud" investigations intent on keeping a large Republican majority into 2018 (which failed anyway when his fickle white base turned on him).
Of course, Bush pulled the same shit during his time in office, running cover via his own DOJ for dozens of state gerrymandering campaigns (the Texas Gerrymander of 2005 stacked the deck for permanent Republican majority into the modern day). And Reagan pulled this shit via his captured Civil Rights Division before that. And Nixon before that.
When Trump wins in 2024, it will suck again. But it won't suck uniquely. This is an age-old fight, between a caged/disenfranchised popular majority and a wealthy manipulative white nationalist minority.
Bush and Reagan didn't lead insurrections. Roger Stone had a little putsch on Bush's behalf, sure. But Bush did not send a mob of delusional cultists to hang his own VP.
I don't think Bush or Reagan sold state secrets or lists of CIA agents to foreign adversaries either.
What Trump understands intuitively and most of the country still does not, is that fascism usually is not a fixed state but a project of gradually, constantly deteriorating rights.
Trump will never be satisfied. When things reach a new low, it will only enable Trump to aim even lower. That's why he won't accept even the results when he wins. To his mind, he always deserves more power and less accountability, and he will keep shifting reality towards those ends. That's why we never had a moment of peace during the first Trump presidency. Our standards kept falling, and somehow we still couldn't keep up.
In another Trump presidency, it will be exactly like the first, in that everything will constantly be getting worse. Because he is a narcissistic sociopath, and it will never be enough. He's the perfect vessel to dismantle democracy. That's the power of Trump, what makes the threat so unique and terrible.
Well, if the diaper baby doesn't accept it, too bad. This time Biden will be running the executive branch if any of donnie's cult try to start some stuff.
What has given you the impression that Biden has the spine or brains to face off with that? He's not a fighter and the only thing he has any true ideology about is protecting Israel's genocide.
Theyll be breaking the door down to his office and the moron will probably try to "reach across the aisle" and they'll cut his hand off. Then his do-nothing AG will sit and wring his hands and pee in his pants because he heard someone say the word 'partisan'. The man's brain is about 30 years behind current events.
He doesn't need to be a fighter. The only reason J6 got so bad is because Trump's administration actively and directly prevented any security measures from being prepared ahead of time, and then stalled and refused to call for help when the skeletal security guards were overrun.
The default posture of everyone who handles security for these institutions and would be in charge of fighting off another J6 attempt is that they want to protect the Capital and prevent something like this from happening again by preparing adequate measures in advance and having backup ready and available. All Biden has to do is not actively block the national guard, capital security, and D.C. police.
I think you’re underestimating how much people dislike Biden right now. There are people who don’t care or understand how bad Trump will be a second time around and won’t vote for Biden. I fear democrats are getting complacent again just like they did when it was Hillary vs Trump, and the results will be similar. I hope I’m wrong. (Not that I’m a supporter of Biden or the current Democrats, but this is the shit system we have and when the only alternative is Trump… yeah)
Small d "democrat" vs. capital d "Democrat", I think. The former being someone who practices or endorses democracy, the latter being someone in the Democrat political party.
In other news top scientists discover dirt consists of soil, which is the aftermath of forest decomposition, such as leaves, bark dead stuff, and even trees, yes whole dead ass tress!! more at 9 with with this ground shattering revelation
When fascists do fascists things like rigging the election, stopping people from voting, making smear campaigns, robocalls, gun violence, storming the capitol again, etc. there will still be a bunch of do-nothing liberals here who will blame “the left” for not voting hard enough, then proceed to do nothing but sit on their asses waiting for the next election.
There are very important differences and I am NOT saying both sides are the same generally. I sincerely hope Trump loses. But one thing in common: Neither side will accept losing.
If Biden wins, the GOP will say the election was rigged.
If Trump wins, the WMP will say the election was rigged.
Don’t you think you could give a shred of evidence for why you feel you can both-sides this? Though I have a feeling your supporting argument for this will be a painfully bad take.
Under no circumstances will we see the truth of both predictions
Hopefully Biden will win and we'll see whether the GOP accepts it. That would be the evidence for half.
If God forbid Trump wins, we'll have evidence whether the WMP accepts it. That would be evidence for the other half.
I would LOVE to be wrong, but sometimes that's how the human scientific process works. We make a prediction THEN look at the evidence to see if we were right
I honestly can't see how there's Biden voters still, unless it's all about, "lesser of two evils"... Biden's cognitive impairment is just so cringy. I don't even laugh at him anymore.
When RFK Jr. first came out into mainstream media running for this election, he was captivating. But as he was gaining traction, he started to open up about a few things that simply don't align with me / my principles.
RFK Jr. defended MLK Jr. getting wiretapped. So he supports violating the 4th Amendment. Big fkin nono in my book.
He supports Israel (but so too do most politicians in the U.S. - Zionists) - so his moral compass is skewed.
RFK Jr.'s VP choice is questionable, apparently she aligns with Marxism.
She had an affair with Elon Musk apparently? At least that's the accusation made by her ex-husband. She has no honor, no integrity, she's someone that cannot be trusted, quite frankly. That is, if it's true that she's had an affair. And I know, many people in general are cheaters. I don't trust liars/hypocrites.
She has a record of donating to radical leftists/democrats (marxists/communists/socialists)
His VP - Nicole Shanahan apparently thinks IVF is a scam.
Nicole Shanahan has for years denounced IVF — calling it “one of the biggest lies that's being told about women's health today.”
IVF may have a low success rate, but it's not a scam. If the technology existed and it was 100% fail rate, then yes, I'd agree.. it would be a scam - people would be throwing their money away and getting their hopes up for nothing.
Anyway, we're left with three candidates.
One candidate needs living assistance.
One candidate has an alignment or association with the far left which I feel is a threat to our constitution.
One candidate became president and in the 4 years he served, he did more for our country. Huge boom in new jobs, big income boost (I personally was positively impacted by this and it was great bringing home nearly $10k per month after taxes. I now make about half of that). The middle class was flourishing.
Biden and Co. likes to tell people about all these new jobs, yet it's been discovered that platforms like LinkedIn, has been displaying large numbers of, "ghost jobs"... fake job postings to make it seem like there's a plethora of companies in the U.S. hiring, when they're not. All we keep hearing about is layoffs, especially in large companies. Under Trump, finding a job, interviewing and getting the job was a breeze. I had interviews lined up, I had job offers in my favor... Biden takes presidency, I get laid off 1 year later and spend just over 6 months applying to over 1000 posted jobs just on LinkedIn alone, I have the LinkedIn response emails as proof. That's not even including CareerBuilder, Indeed, Monster etc..
I have absolutely NO confidence in Biden and Co. and quite frankly find him and his allies all enemies of the American people. They are liars, deceivers, transgressors and oppressors. All of which as been witnessed by the world.
IMO, the entire governments of the U.S. (local, state, federal) needs a thorough cleansing.
Edit: This is not to offend anyone.. This is just my opinion and I know majority will disagree with my pov. Don't worry I won't be butt hurt nor should you.
I strongly encourage everyone to watch the embedded video in the article.
Because we don't get many opportunities to see/hear Biden speak.
A lot of the shit we give trump about with his speaking, Biden does it too. It's just trump does a hell of a lot more public speaking than Biden.
Biden used to be literally the best public speaker in the party, that's why he almost won the 88 primary till all the plagiarism and lying about law school stuff came out and he started screaming at reporters that he was smarter than them.
They're both two fucking old, and so is Bernie and every other politician in the late 70s or 80s.
We're not talking about if someone that age can be a Walmart greeter to keep busy, this is literally the toughest and most stressful job in the country, if the person is actually doing their job.
I'll tell you what. You can sit online all day complaining about the average age of our elected "representatives" or you you can mobilize to do something about it. Be politically active. Vote.
Or even run yourself or encourage others of an acceptable age to you to run.
The reason they are so fucking old is for the exact reason you'd expect: voter participation of those 65+ is about 3x of those 18-29.
The reason they are so fucking old is for the exact reason you’d expect: voter participation of those 65+ is about 3x of those 18-29.
That's not entirely true. Committee membership and chairmanship is determined by seniority, so the longer someone stays in office the more political power they have.
Therefore it behooves both sides to keep people in office as long as possible, even if that person has one foot in the grave.
So instead of party pursuing voters. Which is pretty much the entire point of the party, you think they should ignore a large voter block that is literally and inevitably going to be the future of the party in just a few decades?
Bernie is old, but not in the way that Trump or Biden are old. Listen to Bernie speak and he is as sharp as ever. We really fucked up in the 2020 primary.
I still think Biden is solid enough to do the job. A modern president is really just a spokesperson for an entire administration, and Biden has an incredibly capable group of people supporting him. I have a lot of problems with his administration's positions on a multitude of issues, but they are certainly competent.
On the other hand, Trump is a lifelong idiot dictator. His last administration was a trash fire. He went through four chiefs of staff in one term, and most other key positions were just as bad. Running an administration like that puts a lot more stress on the executive and requires tons of competence. Trump is not competent and doesn't have a history of making great decisions under stress.