This looks fantastic! Thanks for the recommendation.
I unfortunately don't have MAX anymore after they dropped Westworld (and all the other crazy shit that happened around a year or so ago) so I may also have to borrow a copy from my friend the internet..
Edit: Looks like my son already put in a Requestarr for it and it's in Sonarr. The *arr stack really has changed the game after I was out of the scene for 10 or so years.
What country is that? If it's Canada, then it was (maybe still is) available on with ads through prime or apple(?). The delivery is atrocious and is already pricey as hell, so I don't blame you if you pirate it.
Really good show though. Reminds me a lot of Les Maîtres du temps from the 80s.
“When I was a kid we were lucky if we only had to wait 9 months to rent a theatrical release. The generation before mine had to hope and pray a favorite of theirs would be re-released or air on one of, like, 7 TV channels. ‘I want it now’ is not a real justification for piracy.”
They would do the same if they weren't so old and crusty.
*I'm probably around the same age as this bastard. At least I'm not as crusty.
I can identify with that entire statement except for the last sentence. Hell, I'll accept "cuz it's Tuesday" as a valid reason for piracy.
My generation paid a lot for the type of shit that many of y'all take for granted and I think that's fucking fantastic. In fact, let's face it: my generation paid more than enough. Y'all should be stealing everything isn't already given for free by the corporations. If the BaCk iN my DaY squawkers wanna keep paying the poor innocent execs, then fine.
For everyone else, if it ain't nailed down or owned, take it. And if someone hoarded more than they could use in 10 lifetimes, eat them and then take everything. We should never forget what's been taken from us and it's pretty much your duty now to take it all back.
This isn't thievery, this is the fucking bill coming due.
My father used to gift me a box of floppies with pirated games on them on Christmas, the next day ritual was checking each of them, 'cause half of them were duds. Still loved it, and I had no concept of piracy or it being wrong.
I'm not very old, but I remember as a kid my big sister would go to the local market and buy burned copies of movies still in theaters (which were usually a recording someone made of the movie in the theater).
It's funny they act like piracy didn't exist before the internet. The tools are different and easier to use, but the justifications are the same. People want convenience, so if companies really cared about stopping piracy they would bend over backwards to make their content affordable and easy to access. Releasing only in theaters and/or doing the subscription shuffle is not convenient to the consumer.
IIRC this all came about because a different company has the rights to Godzilla in the US and that US distributor didn’t want -1.0 to cut into the sales of the new Godzilla Kong movie, which is all bullshit.
I have been wanting to watch this since release but it isn't showing anywhere near me or streaming or available to purchase and ironically I haven't pirated because I figured everyone was in the same situation so good quality rips would be scarce. This movie is a spectacular example of all that is wrong with geographical distribution rights. I will probably still wait for a legit stream on this one because I want to send a positive signal if any service grabs the rights but I can't blame people for making other choices. Copyright is supposed to protect the rights holders so they can profit from their work but in cases like this it just stops them connecting with their audience and they get nothing, neither money or exposure. I don't think piracy is harming anyone in this situation.
japan should just have streaming service for all there shit already instead of always Licensing it to companies in every country. if they keep doing it this way then there just doing it too themselfs.
there’s still no easy (or legal) way to watch it with English subtitles, and there’s been no updates on when it’ll come to streaming or physical in the US or elsewhere