After death of Joshua Dean & John Barnett, their lawyers are concerned about the possibility that around 10 more Boeing whistleblowers may suffer the same fate.
EDIT: I should've read the article, but I'm taking the L and leaving this up with a strikethrough. The phrasing "after" in the headline definitely creates the wrong impression here. As for what this says about people, I guess we'll have to see if the other ten whistleblowers still testify.
And if you think it's too much to assume Boeing killed these two people, that's the wrong question. It matters more whether as a fellow whistleblower it's reasonable to worry about whether Boeing killed them, and I think it is.
Also Boeing definitely killed the first guy at least. "If I die, it's not suicide." - man who "committed suicide". WTAF.
If you ever hear anyone talking about how humans suck and we're all terrible and will definitely destroy ourselves, just think about the fact that killing whistleblowers was quickly followed by more whistleblowers. Not just lone heros, but ten fucking people said, "hey, fuck you, are you really gonna kill me too?" knowing that the answer could well be "yes".
Funny, just yesterday probably I was arguing with someone in another thread that was saying the people here don't actually think Boeing had these whistleblowers killed, it was just making "implications and jokes."
And here, very clearly, with a massive number of upvotes we have someone claiming that Boeing had them killed and that resulted in brave souls coming out afterward. lol
However, this also exposes another huge complaint I have with your typical lemmy-er (lemming? lemmite? what do you call a user of lemmy?): Almost no one reads the fucking article.
This isn't about new whistleblowers coming out, but their lawyer claiming he is afraid that current whistle blowers will be "scared away."
But, of course, what I've learned on reddit and even more so on lemmy is that the facts don't matter, only the narrative.
Yes, varying people have different opinions on subjects. It is easy to think a comment with upvotes is the way the hivemind goes, but the hivemind has multiple factions.
I, personally, have no opinion on the matter. The dude was septic and had a stroke. While it seems unlikely that was murder, I guess it is possible if you have infinite resources to make it look natural. But that is one HELL of a coincidence to have two whistle-blowers die . .. like. .. pretty fucking insane. Watch these next ten all die and no one important bats an eye.
Yes but our current society vests power in the corporation doing the killing. It's a problem as old as civilization, but one we still haven't solved. The problem is that these institutions and the technology they wield has never been greater.
We need an impartial lawnmower. Something external to the species that comes in and cuts the biggest ones in half. And it needs to be incorruptible and powerful enough to do this.
I was talking to someone the other day who was really bent out of shape over an extremely unpleasant customer. The kind of interaction that sticks with you for years.
I told my perspective on people. We tend to remember remarkable things - stuff that really stands out from the normal. The news media does the same thing. Normal, everyday stuff isn't "newsworthy."
So when an asshole customer stands out that much, it's because it's such a rare experience. People are mostly good, so the goodness doesn't stand out.
Yeah, bad customers can ruin your day, but I remember doing customer service that one good customer with a nice smile can make your day good again. That's why I always make an effort to be as nice as possible.
Counterpoint. There was one whistleblower killed, there are lots of people on this case like Boeing staff, government employees, the police, senators, the president, who haven't done shit. Now there are two murders. Any of the people who SHOULD be doing something about it doing anything? No. Now there are 12 brave people against the thousands of shit people.
This is a leap. You can be a good person and also see that people as a whole can be both wonderful and absolutely terrible. This is a story about a mega corp murdering two whistleblowers, so far. In this case, the people involved in making this a headline suck and are terrible.
There is plenty of evidence of foul play you smartass. They willingly risked lives over many years and are still currently flying many planes with defective unsafe parts. Going from that to assasination is not a big leap.
Multiple of the whistleblowers and their colleagues have also independently said that their workplace was directly and deliberately sabotaged in order to continue using defective parts.
Yes the last one doesnt really look like a typical assasination but it doesnt matter in the slightest if it was or not.
Even if the dude that "killed himself" did do it to himself, he did so because he was harassed by a company for doing his job. Even in the non conspiracy version of the story, the corporation still acted in bad faith and should be held liable for it's actions. Why is this the hill you want to die on?
One death is coincidental, two is suspicious, any more and it’s gonna become plainly obvious, and now there’s 10. That’s just delicious. They can’t silence them all.
We had that tech in 1968. I'm pretty sure it would be a matter of a phone call and some change from the couch cushions for Boeing to create the recent outcome.
Does this mean they did it? No.
Does it warrant the reaction folks are having about it? Absolutely yes. (Edit - In light of their current troubles and the fate of the prior whistleblower.)
And it is suspected that thousand of elderly people are murdered every year, but it is ruled as a natural death, because the demographic is prone to natural deaths and nobody bothers to check further.
At the very least demanding a throughout investigation in both cases is absolutely reasonable.
Well, iirc he didn’t show for his deposition, or the day after, or the day after that, at which point the lawyers sent people to find him and found he “committed suicide”.
This is after he said “I am absolutely not going to commit suicide over this. If I die and people say it was suicide, I was killed.”
Even one death under these circumstances is not a coincidence, and that ought to be coded into law. You'd better fucking well hope the person who blows a whistle on you is healthy - that's the world we should move towards. Not that that couldn't also be abused, but the pendulum is way too fucking far this way.
Any serious issue should have a paper trail of some sort. Emails, meetings, part rejections, that sort of thing. There are processes in place to allow anonymous reporting of some of these things.
I mean, I dont care abut pain as much as time - like I would settle for something interesting, like getting sucked off to death ... into a jet engine at max speed.
You could just say ‘assassin’. “Hitperson” makes it sound like some HR-designated position, awkwardly titled in some neutral, milquetoast way as not to offend anyone.
Article author seems to have completely fabricated the "10 more". There are no quotes from anyone even hinting at more whistleblowers existing, let alone ten more.
Wow, ten more suicidal people that really want to off themselves and also suddenly all started talking about Boeing, all at the same time. They'll also all off themselves in the coming weeks.
I would want the motherfucking Navy to take me around South America, the passenger train system in the US is sadly so sparse it makes it too easy for someone to find someone else based on odds. And Amtrak doesn’t have anti air weapons
The hole in the fuselage that caused them to be sucked out was actually made by one of them in a suicide/homicide. Very tragic. Somebody invest in mental health please!
Oh the plane will be fine.
Being a whistleblower is very stressful though. I would not be at all surprised if many if not all of them find it just too hard to go on and end up committing suicide by shooting themselves twice in the back of the head before jumping off a building.
American way is walking into a school in the middle of a shooting.
Australian way is going to the mall to bet on the ponies and running into a stabber. (I'm really sorry this is too soon, but next week nobody would understand the joke)
“the sudden announcement of Boeing CEO Dave Calhoun's resignation by the end of 2024 was interpreted as a response to the company's persistent safety issues.”
I hope Boeing has serious bonus claw-backs in their contracts, because this idiot’s “cost-savings” have actually cost Boeing a fortune, and destroyed their reputation. The entire board should go.
The recommendation to shareholders from the independent advisor who proxies Boeing is to vote out several board members who are responsible for safety and QA. Crazy to see at a Fortune 100.
I remember thinking movies just had absurd sensationalized plot lines and that our societies were past that shit. Then I saw former soviets killed by alpha particle emitting pills, whistleblowers dying, and now I'm thinking the truth is stranger than fiction.
Hang in there Edward Snowden, it's amazing that fucker threaded the needle and still lives.
If we had a functioning government they'd already be bankrupt or in the hands of a legit oversight authority, rather than allowed to continue to run a blatantly corrupt and dangerous enterprise.
"A lot of holes in the desert, and a lot of problems are buried in those holes. But you gotta do it right. I mean, you gotta have the hole already dug before you show up with a package in the trunk. Otherwise, you're talking about a half-hour to forty-five minutes worth of digging. And who knows who's gonna come along in that time? Pretty soon, you gotta dig a few more holes. You could be there all fuckin' night."
George Carlin did talk about the 20? Senior citizens who past away in Bolivia when they all stood up on a goddamn rollercoaster. Right into the fresh Bolivian La Paz air. I thought I should mention it since free tickets to Dizne could be the first step Being used to reproduce such a catastrophic event.
Watch out you whistleblowing yous out there. Accept no free tickets for Dizne.