I've been thinking about having a dedicated thread for people to post about what their latest RPG experience was. If you want to go into detail, or just gush about favorite moments, or any fun/ny stuff you got to do or witness.
As for myself (It technically was yesterday since sessions leave me exhausted and I always pass out afterwards):
I had my first Session 0 as a GM, running the game Friendship, Effort, Victory!, an RPG inspired by battle shonens. My ongoing title is "Super Battle School Let's Go!!" which takes place in a world where hot-blooded, intense confrontation is the answer to a lot of problems; there are no world ending threats, but just going to a date or asking for a raise will end up in a flurry of abilities and skills being used.
The PCs are enrolled at Dukes Up Academy, a high school setting where they'll learn the basic skills necessary for survival, and all the advanced skills necessary for a fierce showdown.
My players gave me a LOT of material and I'm aching to organize all this and come up with some good, firey situations for them to deal with! :)
Played in a very fun 2E Kingmaker game. Which was mostly dealing with the death of a character last session and some other roleplay things.
Also GMed more of my Traveller game; a great Pirates of Drinax campaign. Also ran the first session of our Call of Cthulhu "Horror on the Orient Express" campaign; which everybody survived, always a nice start to a CoC game. Plus, the 14 year old street urchin shooting down a zombie was great fun.
I played a one shot of Trophy Dark, a "tragic fantasy" RPG about treasure hunters in a cursed forest. True to it's name, it went to some very dark horror places.
Due to getting caught up with some Fey and their queen, one PC ended up as a "dog" for a fey hunter, and was fed another PC who was forced to be killed by a third PC. My character just ended up destitute and alone, with everything he cared about and believed in defiled and degraded.
Not everyone's cup of tea, but it was perfect for our group. :)
I finished a 3+ year long weekly Stars without Number campaign this week. An amazing experience as I have never experienced a campaign from start to completion on either side of the table. It's almost left a hole in me as I started this campaign with the goal of running to completion and now I've done it and am not sure where to go.
Wasn't the most climactic or dramatic ending but the game was run as a sandbox with this being the ending to a goal they have been working towards for a long time. Felt rewarding regardless.
I also co-dm a 40k dark heresy 1e campaign and play in a torchbearer campaign but neither of those had particularly notable sessions compared to my game that ended.
Finally it's not playing, but I have been thoroughly reading Lancer to prep for my next long term campaign.
Ran Session 2 of my new PTU campaign. The party was exploring an abandoned mine trying to find a route through the mountains. It's a pretty small dungeon, but they only made it through about 40%. The whole dungeon has a minecart puzzle running through it that they're slowly figuring out, but so far they haven't found a minecart.
At the end of the first combat, a Pokemon stole a basket belonging to one of the players, where they were holding an injured Pokemon they were taking care of. They didn't manage to get it back before the Pokemon got away, so now they also have to search the mine to find their stolen Pokemon.
It's also my first real physical map, which I made by cutting out tiles of wrapping paper and backing them with recycled cardboard. I have multiple tiles for rail intersections that I can swap out when they switch the tracks.
I ran my first ever Vaesen game last week, and will be running the follow up session the coming Monday. It was a lot of fun - more narrative focused and room for improvisation for both the GM and the players. The setting is interesting and the creatures are fun. Looking forward to hopefully run more of it in the future.
I also picked up Ryuutama at the games store a few days ago. It's an interesting little system where the journey is more important than the destination. For those unaware, it has been described as "Studio Ghibli meets Oregon Trail". Probably won't be able to run that for a bit, but an interested to read more about it!
I DM a couple 5e campaigns in the same game world, one which is more active lately is a spin-off where my players are all goblins and kobolds, with regular player levels on top of the monster stat blocks. They're incredibly weak so the game centers around goblin antics rather than combat or serious dungeons.
One of my regular players recently got back from being out of the country, and joined this game as a kobold warlock. Their character origin is, they unwittingly gave their name to a fae and spent a year in servitude without a name, then their new patron, Tiamat, learned of this, gave them her name for their own, and a level in warlock, so they escaped the fae and became Tiamat the Tiny!