Israel Briefs US on Plan for 'Ethnic Cleansing' of Rafah | Common Dreams
Israel Briefs US on Plan for 'Ethnic Cleansing' of Rafah | Common Dreams Israel Briefs US on Plan for 'Ethnic Cleansing' of Rafah | Common Dreams
"A military invasion in Rafah would be CATASTROPHIC... There can be no more 'evacuations.' There is no safe place to go," said Oxfam, calling for an immediate cease-fire.

WamGams Did Israel use the term ethnic cleansing or is common dreams abandoning factual reporting in the name of clicks?
3 1 Replydistantsounds OP Do nation states committing genocide call it genocide? I real headscratcher for the ages
4 1 ReplyWamGams So ethnic cleansing in the headline is a confirmed journalistic liberty taken?
Thank you.
4 3 Reply
WTF is this news source? The fucking white noise with this war is off the charts.
2 3 Reply
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