I don't really personally care much. I don't think that the way we're going to deal with forged video is going to be clamping down on every forum sufficiently to ensure that nobody shares it. It's just a technical dead end. Too easy to do, too many routes to spread content.
I'm also skeptical that automatically detecting forged video is gonna work, not as a long-run solution. Too many fundamental technical problems. People are always gonna try to make generated images and video better.
Digital watermarking of generated content is also pretty limited. Hostile actors with real resources can just generate their own without watermarking, and if you want to have software that does detection generally-available, you're also putting information as to how to defeat it out there.
I think that a much-better route is to produce technologies and conventions that permit verifiable photographs and video to be produced, and then raising public expectations to the point that images or video that don't conform aren't considered to be convincing proof of something controversial.
Like, if you want people to believe that your crochet project is real and not something from a generative AI, then you get someone from some reputable "endorsement organization" to come out and photograph it and that organization cryptographically signs the image. Maybe that becomes the gold standard for proof of truth. Could even have multiple organizations do so for important stuff. It's how we handled things prior to image or audio recording -- have a trusted person go there and attest to something being real.
Then have people expect that level if they're going to trust a recording as to truth.
I spend just as much time on tiktok as I do on Lemmy and I have not seen a single one of these videos so... Either this extremely exaggerated or tiktok is doing something about this.
It's your bubble. Tiktok is the most echoey echo chamber of all social media.
Now don't get me wrong, I like tiktok, I like the algorithm, but you gotta understand what it is. I also haven't seen one of these videos, but I am sure they are out there.
If you want to find these videos, start a fresh profile and immediately start searching for Trump rally videos and any other right wing stuff, you will quickly get shoved into political Tiktok and I guarantee you will find some of these videos.
The one thing I know about tik Tok is "the algorithm" zeroes in on your tastes real fast, so just because you don't see it doesn't mean it isn't there, it just means you probably don't consume political Tok toks (which sound miserable...)
Yeah well right now babies are being murdered in Gaza, so I got exactly no shits left to give over somebody making deepfakes of the old white dude that’s doing the killing.
Whatever they’re saying in those supposed Russian deepfakes about Biden, I’ll bet one billion dollars it’s not worse than killing thousands of babies. Pretty hard to top mass murderer, but hey, you’re welcome to argue a try.