If you've hung out in Linux enthusiast circles lately, you'll have heard whispers that Arch Linux is no longer hot product. Instead, all the cool kids are using something called NixOS. Since I bricked my Debian setup in an unfortunate accident involving compiling from source, I decided to give NixOS...
Hey all, thought this might be of interest to some here.
Wrote about why I moved from NixOS to Ubuntu after using it for several months on my daily driver. Suspect that this take is likely to be kind of controversial and court claims of skill issues, which might even be true.
I'm not a Nix user, but doesn't Nix make both pip and venv obsolete in a way? Nix is a package manager (which could be used to package anything including Python packages/modules) and also allows you to create environments that include only certain packages of certain versions.
pip and venv are working, but packages that require compiling or ship binaries by itself usually won't work out of the box. They depend on gcc or libopenssl to be globally available: the whole gist of Nix not doing 😅
I've found devenv.sh to be most convenient way to handle such projects. You can define the dependencies for a project. It has explicit python/venv/requirements.txt/poetry support. It works for NixOS, but also other distros and MacOS. Very convenient to share and lock development tools and libraries across a team.
I am a GUI fan and I don't like fucking around with the OS. In fact, I don't even want to think about it at all.
So far it hardly required any maintenance (much less than Ubuntu, Windows or Mac, at least for my workflows).
And the only fucking around I did with it was the first two days setting everything up just the way I like.
To be fair, I already had extensive linux knowledge at the point of switching to arch - through ~4 years of constantly breaking my Debians and Ubuntus every couple of months.
I know, I've once messed around to install a newer QT framework which was required by some package I've downloaded directly.
Did you install them from the repos or manually copied the files into place?
At first I thought the issues were due to compiling source code, not installing conflicting libraries.
I also don't understand. For compiling from source, why not use podman or docker to just compile everything into a tarball that can be extracted into /opt? I used to do this all the time when installing multiple php versions on a CentOS machine.
While many of the issues with Debian can be resolved by compiling from source, this has been one of the main causes of system failure for me in the past. It also requires equal or greater effort than playing with Nixfiles.
I guess you are doing something wrong here. I can't imagine that compiling stuff on Debian would be trickier than tinkering with NixOS.
Maybe you have been following advices on the web instead of taking the time to understand problems and keep your Debian tidy?
Besides, between an expert niche like NixOS and the popular Ubuntu, there are more than a dozen OSes you can consider when it comes to preferences on maintenance. You don't have to consider so many, but a blog article on your particular three / four (NixOS, Debian Ubuntu + Mint) looks a bit off.
I've tried Arch and others as well, even stuff like Slackware, Bodhi, Void, but I'd say that my preference has generally moved away from doing tinkering / maintenance at all other than for fun or profit. I'd still consider Nix for a server / workstation setup but just not as a daily driver.
Makes sense. NixOS isn't for everybody and that's fine.
For people like me who don't change things on the regular, it's fine. But using the latest and greatest or having to customise stuff is really a drag. Getting a new electron app on nixpkgs can take a long time because doing it yourself is pain. It's easier to hope somebody else will deal with that pain.
I run nix unstable, so I get all the latest software. It's actually been very stable for me, and I love knowing I can rollback at any time if something happens to break.
I know it's not for everyone, but creating your own nix derivation for software that doesn't exist yet on nixpikgs is not terribly difficult (for most things).
It varies wildly, in my experience. A binary package in nix? For sure, easy. Any programming language with its own ecosystem: good luck. Python, JS, and anything electron is hilariously difficult to package when anything goes wrong. If it doesn't work at the 5th try, gotta get ready for a long night.
Even C/C++ projects that should "just work" with mkDerivation are far from trivial, but that's also due to how shit the ecosystems of those languages are. "have A,B,C installed on ubuntu 18.04" and then you find out that there are actually a bunch more dependencies, or gcc is too recent, or you have to mess with the LD_LIBRARY_PATH, or or or or.
There have been very, very few packages that I found trivial to package. nix is very good at exposing hidden dependencies.
Yes and no. It depends on what your aim is. I LOVE Nix and it runs like a beast on my ZBook. But I'm after reproducible environments I can just blast around on all over the place without a heavy imagining solution. Works great for that.
Does it take some time to setup as a daily driver? Yes. But no more than Arch. But the thing with Nix is if you already have a robust config, it takes less time than Arch to go from zero to stomping out code.
Ubuntu is a great generic distro. But I find Nix gives me oomph. As with everything in this ecosphere...use what works for YOU! 😁
I like reading about OS journeys like these. Personally I ended up living with immutable fedora despite of its endless challenges, but I don't think I'll ever go back to mutable linux for my dev laptop. I feel immutability is a shield against change over time.
They're between releases right now, but once COSMIC desktop is ready and they release Pop 24.04 I'll probably try it out. More likely that I'm moving to Xubuntu Minimal 24.04 on the daily driver though.
PopOS is great OOTB but I've become attached to rofi and XFCE recently and like the old-school "apps are utilities" style of Linux desktops over PopOS / Mint which try to bundle everything together.
Damn I was considering switching to Nix because I was annoyed at fl studio and various other kinda niche stuff breaking all the time. This has made me seriously reconsider.
More serious than this is the rare occasions Nix packages conflict with each other. While Nix separates dependencies, it doesn't separate them as absolutely as a full container system like Docker. Therefore it is possible, albeit unlikely, to end up with conflicts between versions of installed libraries.
Never tried it but thanks for dispelling the hype. What a meme OS.