I listened to much of the interview on the radio. He touched on a lot of good points and then came to the absolutely wrong conclusion. He talked about how many writing rooms are "writing by committee" where jokes will go through a review by many different groups. If this is truly the case (I don't know) that is not an issue if the "far left mob" but rather the enshitification of comedy due to corporations and Wall Street bankrolling these productions wanting to ensure return on investment. This kills creativity by reducing risks. Topical comedy is a risky medium by default.
Also, shout out to Rob McElhenney for his sarcastic one word response. In Jerry's imagined world, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia can't exist.
But see, he wants it to be funny because he thinks making fun of homeless people is funny. It would instead be funny because of how fucking stupid Kramer is. That's really the big turn in recent comedy: laughing at bad characters doing shitty things (and usually getting their comeuppance) instead of laughing at shitty things happening to people.
people seeing issues brought about by capitalism and concluding that the people who are fighting against capitalism are the REAL problem, a tale as old as time.
You really think the average Barbie-watching lefty can be equated to the communism bordering Lemmy dweller? Please, just because they're not on the right doesn't make them the same.
But the thing is... writing by committee has always been the norm- including for Seinfeld, which makes me wonder how much he was actually involved in the writing process.
The very idea of a writer's room is writing by committee.
I got the sense he meant more that it would go up through business-side committees to double check the work and make sure it wasn't inappropriate. If that was the case that again would be an indication of corporations being risk adverse.
That’s because it already has a huge following. I’m saying if that season one debuted now it would. Just like tropic Thunder hasn’t been pulled but I doubt they’d let it today
edit: so all the downvotes imply you all say that a white guy in black face can air today? yea no way, y’all trippin hive mind shit. I’d love to see someone try lol
That's always the last bastion of people arguing against it happening. Throwing up their hands and saying "things change".
Wow, what an insightful addition to the discussion you absolute dingus. Nobody is denying that things change, what is argued is that the overly woke mindset has a negative effect on said evolution. Maybe next year when your favourite orange man gets back in the office, we'll just throw up our hands and say that things change without asking the question why we got there, sound like a plan to you? Or do you think that sometimes it might be a good idea to reflect on why we end up where we do?
A dislike for conservatism does not mean that every change is progress, you know.
I really don't know, you may be right. I feel like that whole season was them tackling tough to swallow social issues by making themselves idiots at best or bigots at worst, but the satire and irony was clear in their intent to expose as as an outdated way to think.
That's quite the hollow argument. To first deny that comedy changed and then state that it's just moved on to something they don't like and then insult them for it. I think you're really undermining your own argument by conflating the evolution of comedy with the tendency to clean it up because we are no longer supposed to offend anyone while handing out participation trophies.
You're free to deny this is happening, but maybe you're just too young to notice it, kiddo.
When did I deny comedy had changed? It hasn't changed. I'm saying that 2005 wasn't some golden era where things were so much less politically correct. It's because I'm not young that I know this. I grew up with Family Ties and Alf. I remember Don't tell me TV was more edgy in the past. I'm old, I'm just not naïve.