Of course it won't, as going outside of the US would require them to develop a lot of new high quality lore, something I think Bethesda is wholly incapable of.
Fallout outside the US sounds more interesting than fallout post NV imo. It kinda feels like they are worried to work on the lore because it will fall apart in Emils hands.
why would you ever say that?? So many places and stories you could tell from this, it doesnt even have to be in vaults, they said it was mostly china and the US that were nuked, you could still tell awesome stories in like Greece or the Nordic areas. What a dumb thing to say and even contemplate.
Imagine Assassin's Creeding the Fallout franchise all over the world.
C'mon down to Australia, we have Kangaroths which will skip over your head and kick you into an irradiated spiders nest, only for a six foot Drop Bear to slash you to pieces.
Think about it: do you really think Bethesda can expand this universe in a way that wouldn’t come off as stereotyping or downright racist in another nation? Could they make a story that’s interesting and authentic? Their writing has been pretty bad lately. They’re just not up to it.
People have been asking to see the rest of the world since before Fallout 3. For quite a while the excuse was "Only America had a Vault program" but then they added in random British and Irish people so who knows?
The thing is while the retro-Americana has become the accepted standard of Bethesda's Fallout it was never that big of a deal beforehand. There's no actual reason you couldn't see what happened to China or whatever.
Do they have weird ghoulified American troops over there still fighting the war? What's going on in Africa? India? They're fun questions.
They should have gone New Zealand. It would be one of the few places likely devoid of direct nuclear strikes yet still affected. Could have done a whole set of lore where a US Carrier group shows up and demands right to port and the conflict from there.
This all but confirms a soft propaganda deal to make current american government/military seem more competent and benign IMHO. That or Todd Howard has a increasingly bad whippet problem which, you know, isn't out of the question.
I mean, the U.S military lends conditional support (I;e, provides equipment, funds and footage) to all sorts of films. Marvel movies being fairly good examples of this in general. Obviously, I'm just speculating and half-joking but It's naive to think that doesn't happen with video games as well to some extent.