I still continue to fail to understand the logic these people are trying to use.
I completely understand the dissatisfaction with the Biden administration and his support for an ally who is currently committing genocide on the daily. And if there were a candidate who wasn't a completely batshit wannabe dictator, I'd at least understand why they'd vote for anyone else over Biden, if not agree with it.
But this is not the case. What these people fail to understand because they're literally blinded with rage is that the only other option is exponentially worse. Trump isn't going to stop Israel from bombing Gaza into oblivion. He's said as much. He basically wants to glass the entire area. Do these people not realize that what Trump wants to do is exponentially worse?
Voting for Trump because you don't like Biden's policies on Israel and Gaza isn't shooting yourself in the foot. It's shooting yourself in the foot, then reloading the shotgun when you realize you missed a few toes, then wondering why the hell your foot hurts and you're bleeding all over the place.
I understand the rationale of "I cannot in good conscience vote for a man who has supported and partially funded a brutal genocide." But at the same time, you're advocating for a man who's literally campaigning on "I'll genocide harder!". Why?
If you think Trump is, in any situation, a viable option for anything, please seek professional help immediately. There is never a situation where Donald Trump's decisions or actions are ever going to make your life better. Full stop.
Not everyone in the Arab world looks favorably upon Palestine. They don't care that Trump plans to escalate the genocide.
A lot of them are socially/fiscally conservative. Just because the Republicans lean overwhelmingly Christian doesn't mean that their values differ entirely from Islam. Anyone who hates abortion, gay/trans people, and wants to keep drugs criminalized will be more inclined to vote Republican despite the widespread islamophobia.
The anti-Biden campaign, which is taking advantage of the Israel-Palestine conflict, has been successful at convincing voters, even if they are unwittingly voting against their own self-interest. The Republicans are good at that, such as how effectively they sway members of the working class towards supporting rich oligarchs and racial minorities to vote for racist candidates.
Not everyone in the Arab world looks favorably upon Palestine. They don’t care that Trump plans to escalate the genocide.
So if they either don't care about Palestine or want to escalate the genocide, then why the hell do they care about Biden's handling of the situation in the first place?
At best, they should be indifferent, no?
A lot of them are socially/fiscally conservative. Just because the Republicans lean overwhelmingly Christian doesn’t mean that their values differ entirely from Islam. Anyone who hates abortion, gay/trans people, and wants to keep drugs criminalized will be more inclined to vote Republican despite the widespread islamophobia.
This is a classic example of voting against their own interests.
The anti-Biden campaign, which is taking advantage of the Israel-Palestine conflict, has been successful at convincing voters, even if they are unwittingly voting against their own self-interest. The Republicans are good at that, such as how effectively they sway members of the working class towards supporting rich oligarchs and racial minorities to vote for racist candidates.
This is very true. If you can say one thing about the GOP, they're specialists at getting the message out and convincing people to vote against their own interests.
You're failing to understand because people are near-braindead levels of stupid. Democracy only works when the populous is generally well educated. We've been shooting ourselves in the foot in regards to education for a long time in this country that most people come out with the intelligence of a 5th grader, then say stupid things like "Trump is better than Biden".
And what do they think is going to happen with Trump? A man who has already gone on record saying he'd do that and more?
Like I've repeatedly said, I understand and even support their point of view regarding Biden. But their only alternative is exponentially worse, and voting for Trump because you're pissed off at Biden is a textbook example of cutting off your own nose to spite your face.
So who's fault is it when Trump is elected and gives Israel everything they need to make the current genocide look like a schoolyard spat by comparison?
Your logic is a prime example of cutting your nose off to spite your face.
And Trump with his SCotUS cronies have plans to end / strip birthright citizenship & deport 11M "undesirables".
Want to guess who will be at the very head of that line? You don't think Stephen Miller is getting lists of arrestees from the colleges right fucking now?
And I very seriously doubt I'll have the capacity to feel bad for the dangerously stupid by that point.
I mean my coworkers families are in danger today, why would you expect them to give a shit about an election six months away when they might get the call to find out they don't have relatives tomorrow.
Because they’ll still exist tomorrow, and the not-having-relatives-danger only increases by supporting the republiQan?
Is this really that difficult to understand? Using this watershed election as an entry-point to understanding how national politics and foreign relations work (or don’t work) is not only irresponsible, it’s tragic timing. Perfect timing for russia tho. Coincidentally.
Please explain how electing a Republican in 6 months could possibly lower their families chances tomorrow. People not pressuring Biden are telling them don't worry six months from now you can keep things exactly as bad for your family as they are now, but if you don't we promise it will get even worse.
0 opportunity to improve things and a fat chance to make them worse, gee I wonder why they're not sold. Dead is dead, and we are asking them to give us six months of waiting on the off chance that things would be worse the other way.
Man, dumb shit like this makes me want to let the leopards they want to vote for eat their faces.
I'm white, male, solidly middle-aged. I can look like a neo-con magat if I need to. Shit, as long as the only thing I'm talking about is guns, most people will probably think I am a neo-con. Most people aren't going to recognize my tattoos, so they'll be able to believe that I'm some kind of christian fucko, esp. since I know the bible far better than most evangelicals.
I survived Trump's first term without too many direct negative effects. I'm old enough that I'm not the one that's going to be well and truly fucked when climate change slams into the US like a derailed freight train. I haven't had to worry about accidentally getting someone pregnant in 30 years, so rights to choose and access to birth control have zero direct affect on me. I can let dumb fucks burn their own house down around them, and it's not going to directly harm me.
...But goddamn, I still want to save those idiots from themselves, because I don't want to live in the country that Trump and Republicans want this to be.
Should have very strictly regulated the forever chemicals and micro plastics multiple decades ago. People are so inexplicably stupid and deranged that it has to be the chemicals.
I get the feeling, but Project 2025 doesn't cut out any caveats for average Americans who voted for Trump. You will be white and christian or you will face the wall. I just want you to remember that at least you didn't vote democrat when we're being shelled by Amazon for revolting inside Amazon City C417-982.
I just want you to remember that at least you didn’t vote democrat when we’re being shelled by Amazon for revolting inside Amazon City C417-982.
Firstly, I plan on voting for a democrat. Secondly, I live in oregon so it doesn't matter. Thirdly, if you're relying on democrats to save you from excesses of corporate power I don't think you understand the democrats very well.
I'm just saying what my comment said: there's no justification in blaming arab-americans for the obviously flawed decision making of the democratic party.
Who are 'the Arabs'? Would that be the same ones that billions of dollars of investment in buying Trump? Does it really seem odd that they'd want their asset back in the White House?
This isn't a failing of Biden. This is unchecked corruption.
What did you expect? They don't really give a shit about the fate of the US or women's rights or the rights of LGBT folks, a rule by dictatorial decree isn't different from what they're used to back home lol just kidding haha imagine if I wrote some racist shit like this as a neolib lol get fucked Biden you genocide supporting cunt, just revoke Israel's imperialism pass its that easy.