The last two days my friend and I have been trying to finish off our Lilith altars to be ready for season 1 and I think everyone is doing the same. Every time I roll up to an altar at least one person but usually two or three people come charging in on their horse. It's fun to be here at the start of this game's journey and seeing everybody getting ready! I think I'm gonna try Druid when the season starts 🐻
If you want to be a bear, it's gonna suck for a really long time. The trample bear is better for the first 40 levels or so. Around level 50 or 60, my pulverize bear started to kick ass, and now, at 85 or so, it feels pretty good. It's not as fast as my buddy's rogue, but it's pretty awesome just walking and slapping everything from across the room.
It's slow as hell as a bear druid, until it isn't.
Only level 64 but this accurately describes the bear druid experience. With any luck you get the shockwave aspect early but I didn't until mid forties. Once you get it together though it kicks ass.
I am really digging blizzard and IMHO it's a good investment throughout the life of your character. It spams really well in D4 and there is no cool down. I pair it with an aspect that gives 4 mana for each crowd control and it will just keep going for ages. Damage seems to stack with each cast, so that is a good perk.
I've been playing as a shock sorc with a dip into frost Nova, and a fireball enchantment, which has been really fun.
Basically - if I'm not stunning them I'm freezing them, and if I'm not doing either of those I'm about to use a skill and get loads of barrier or use my ultimate and absolutely melt everything on screen.
Builds will likely change in the July 18 balance patch, but during mid game (WT3 @ 50+) I recommend Firewall. It’s not as mana hungry as Ice Sharts and isn’t as stat dependent.
I use the Icy Veins build for Firewall and it works great.
I'm doing this but on foot... Am i an idiot? If i could make one Diablo 4 mod, i would mod in an e-scooter. Would love to see the druid scooting around.
Druid is so strong man. I'm doing everything 5-8 levels earlier than I should. I'm not even running the claw build that's broken, I'm just using trampleslide and I'm an AOE god.
If you make a new character to be a part of the season, yes all side quest will be reset as you are playing a different character. Only campaign completion, alters and map explore will carry over to a new character.
Nothing happens to your current character though, nothing is deleted and nothing is reset. You can continue on that character forever, you just will not be a part of the season.
I spent a while confused about this. From what I understand, your current character stays the same progression wise, but to play the seasonal content, you have to roll a new one who begins from the start of the game but with all the "realm" wide unlocks like extra skill points, altars, etc.
They were originally going to have everything be a clean slate, as I would typically expect for a seasonal start. Reportedly, they changed due to "overwhelming community feedback" so that's why we have this awkward "keep the map visibility and altars" solution.
I'd rather stab out my eyeballs with a fork than having to do altars again tbh. One of the most tedious things I ever had the displeasure to do in gaming.
You can ignore them if you want, or grab them while you do the story in the season if you want. I've leveled a couple of alts to the nightmare dungeon stage, and with some of them, I haven't touched a single side quest. I do world events and dungeons to level. On other alts, I'll do side quests if I happen to see one, or I'll pick it up from the quest giver and if I happen to be near the objective, I'll do it.
Seasona reset everything every time they start (except this first one where they're keeping some of the world stuff). You can do the reset stuff, or not. It's up to you. But I wouldn't quit over it because it's not really required.
In the beginning, I started like that. Discovering everything as I go, thinking that’s a good plan. But when the news broke, I checked my progress and I had like 17… out of 160 🤣 No way I would have managed to find all of them on time while free-roaming without the help of (where I could click and hide the „found” ones to uncluttter the map).
I did it with a map. Honestly some of them are ridiculously hard to find on your own so I wouldn't recommend spending the time. I was like you and wanted to find them naturally, but after using a map to find some of them, I just felt like I never would have discovered some of these.
Not yet. I have all of the altars in Fractured Peaks so far. Other than that I haven't specifically been looking for them. I probably should be I suppose.