Chayote is a green, bumpy squash with a mild taste and multiple beneficial effects. Here are 10 impressive benefits of chayote squash.
I didn't know what the they where but somebody gave me some and I just peeled it, cut it up and steamed it, but you could totally throw this into all sorts of casseroles, soups, roasts or hangi it's really nice! Not too strong of a flavour kind of like a potato with a celery-like tinge, 10/10 will have more often π
Update: apparently they turn to mush if you roast them
We actually have it as low carb keto fries, cut them up, dry them with a paper towel then throw em in the air fryer and throw some chicken salt or MSG over them when it's done. Yes they're never crunchy but they taste good and it works nicely as a replacement for fries.
Grew up on these as a kid, and I hadn't had them in maybe 20+ years until I picked up some at the local sharing shed. SWMBO looked at them like they we alien spawn - having never seen them before
I don't think I've seen them before. Are you up in the northern part of the country? Just wondering if the weather might be better for growing up north so maybe they don't have so many around here.
There's a massive amount of vegetables our supermarkets just do not stock. Its really sad - the same 20 or so product lines all year and so many other things (particularly seasonal) that never get a look in.
Occasionally my local New World will have Kamo Kamo when they're in season but compared to the variety of veg you can pick up at the farmer's market (usually for less) its just not worth shopping at Supermarkets for veg if you're privileged enough to be able to avoid it.
Same goes for the meat sections too - so many cuts they just don't bother with.
I'm lucky enough to get choices in farmers markets, depending on how long I want to drive. It's funny seeing different varieties you never knew existed. I bought "beetroot" one day, got it home, cut it open, and it had white and red striped flesh! After some research, it turns out it was (probably) the Chioggia variety. Never heard of it!
I also see things listed as "squash" that can be one of many, I often see "turnip" that is not what I expect a turnip to look like, there are really quite a range of things you don't get at the supermarket.