Apple pulls AI image apps from the App Store after learning they could generate nude images
Apple pulls AI image apps from the App Store after learning they could generate nude images
eveninghere Edit: okay, deep fake. That's bad. The title is the problem for me, then.
Sorry, what's the actual problem with users creating fantasy porn? How about they ban all traditional drawings apps and photo / video editing apps, then? Those can also produce nudes. Oh, and browsers also. And text editors.
28 7 ReplyBlizzard
13 0 Replyeveninghere Let's gooo
1 0 Reply
belated_frog_pants Apple always on the purity ring train
10 1 Replyeveninghere This is a weird pattern because Apple can't listen to its own power users (of macs). Tim Cook is criticized by them for caring only about money. Yet he still is on the purity train. Yeah, it's probably all about their stock holders.
2 0 Reply
refalo Ask all the countries that ban it:
8 0 Replyeveninghere But what do YOU think?
2 5 Reply
Coasting0942 Its in the first sentence:
Apple and Google have removed apps that promised deepfake nudes
The apps promised to fuck other people over. Your other suggestions have other uses than making fake nudes.
6 0 ReplyReversalHatchery After reading more than just the title, the problem has hit me in the head: these apps can create deepfake porn, which is not that much "fantasy" anymore.
6 0 Replybecausechemistry You should ask, like, any woman in your life.
13 9 Reply
barbara Is that headline human generated or why is it so bad? It's apple and google
Apple and Google have removed apps that promised deepfake nudes from the App Store and Google Play,
And what is a teen boy? A 13 year old or a 19 year old?
20 0 ReplyBlizzard
human generated
Hehe I wonder when a label "human generated" will become a mark of quality and rarity.
9 0 ReplySpendrill It's how I market my sperm...
6 0 ReplyCaptainSpaceman CertIfied Organic data
6 0 Reply
It’s more „outrageous” if it’s only Apple and makes you click :P
6 0 Reply
sexy_peach Ah yes US-american prudes
10 0 ReplyJackGreenEarth
Its what you sign up for if you're stupid enough to buy an Apple phone.
9 8 Replyrefalo Are third party app stores affected?
1 0 ReplyFelix Likely not because they aren't regulated by apple. Don't take my word though
4 1 ReplyCoasting0942 Depends on their legal status. Could they get sued by a victim?
2 2 Reply
Possibly linux
I actually agree with them on this one
8 11 Reply