Der Roboter
50 0 ReplyDer bëpen-böpenmann.
29 0 Reply
Domo arigato Mr. Bepenbopenmann
47 0 Reply*Herr Bepenbopenmann
40 0 Reply
So ein Blödsinn.
42 0 ReplyKlingt wie der Bi-Ba-Butzemann und das ist kein Roboter.
20 0 Replydas Stör(t) mich
12 0 ReplyHahaha
1 0 Reply
No, Germans just do that.
37 0 ReplyGermans when you say
14 0 Reply
Once I dared to not call a Blahaj a "die Transgenderenhaifisch".
35 0 Replyexcuse me but its “Das Transgenderhaifischplüschtier“
44 0 ReplyIncredible they have a word for that. They really think of everything.
10 0 Reply
Excuse me it's Blåhaj
7 0 ReplySwedes, when you type Blahaj instead of Blåhaj, because you're too lazy to switch from your physical to on-screen keyboard with diacritic support.
(Any way to type special letters on Android without installing different key layouts while on a bluetooth keyboard?)
3 0 Reply
ë needs to become a letter in German
23 0 ReplyIt is! Even if it's very, very rare.
But it does exist, for example in the Name of Bernhard Hoëcker, where it denotes a pronounciation of Ho-ecker instead of Höcker.
14 0 ReplyWow, I didn't realize this
4 0 Reply
there is no need for it… but ß needs to be gone
11 0 Replyß is my favorite. All the fun of cursive qs and zs, with significantly more applicability
28 0 ReplyAre you Swiss or something? ẞ is be best letter.
21 0 ReplyDie you know, that ß is more frequently used than x, y, q and even j?
10 0 Reply
the gërman, brothër
6 0 ReplyThe 'eu' in deutsche is an umlauted e.
1 0 Reply
Isn't robot Polish?
19 0 ReplyIt's Czech
42 0 ReplyWritten by the Czech Karel Čapek in the play Rossum's Universal Robots
14 0 Reply
I can see it. There are a few tropes that come to mind:
- Robot is unique and alone
- Robots outlive their creators/creating civilization
- Robots discarded after their usefulness expired
And looking into the etymology of orphan makes it even clearer. Robots are often depicted as being dereft of rights, feelings etc.
10 0 Reply
ich_iel users be like
18 0 ReplyIt's "die bëpen-böpenmann", stupid!
18 0 ReplyWas zum fick ist ein biben böbermanm?!
18 0 Replyhow many german robots does it take to change a light bulb?
14 0 ReplySupreme german LED light bulbs do not need changing.
36 0 Reply1
20 0 ReplyHowever it is very unlikely that a lightbulb would need to be changed at the bëpen böpenmann facility because the electronics are very well maintained
17 0 ReplyGermans are efficient and not very funny.
12 0 Reply
12 0 Replylog by bulb
5 0 Replylog by bolb*
5 0 Reply
Light bulb? You mean "Das leuchtën-blinki-blönki"?
4 0 Reply
I have no experience with german language but i assume it say "beep boop man"?
11 0 Replyit's just rubbish
32 0 ReplyNo that means trash
9 0 Reply
As the others said, it's not a real translation. The e with the Umlauts isn't even used in German. We only have äöü.
An acurate translation of robot would be "Roboter"
22 0 Reply9 0 Reply
Die Roboter
11 0 ReplyDer
12 0 ReplyBoth are correct. German is funny that way.
15 0 Reply
Makes me chuckle thinking of the show “Mr. Bepen-bopenmann”
9 0 ReplyBepe bope man, loved it
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