Well, Microsoft is getting ready to annoy its faithful Windows 10 user base with yet another prompt. This time, Microsoft wants Windows 10 users to switch from using a local account to their online Microsoft account.
Man, Microsoft really seems like they don't want power users on their OS anymore. Forced AI junk, Ads, MS accounts, and all kinds of other junk. Waiting to see what the Linux Desktop adoption numbers are this fall.
Still sad because my Precision 5560 (same as XPS 9510) has this floaty trackpad bug on Ubuntu and Pop OS for whatever reason! (I haven't tried any other distro). Much easier for me to swap to Linux on my laptop than my desktop because my laptop is just for Python, LaTeX, and MATLAB.
Dell even sells a 5560 with Ubuntu preinstalled, but they don't make it available for users. But I have not for the life of me been able to get the track-pad bug to go away.
yeah this was me. swapped to Mac. Couldn't bring myself to sign up to all the debugging that would go into having a Linux based laptop. I left windows due to the overhead of disabling the bloatware, popups and general bullshit. I didn't want to swap that for other ongoing issues. Just give me something that works. It's an OS, not a hobby project
Adoption rate is increasing from what I've heard. But you're right, Linux/a Linux distribution isn't going to take over anytime soon.
But I think once those users truly switched to Linux, very few will switch back. Sure there'll be the odd gamer who absolutely "needs" to play that one game which has anti-cheat that's unsupported on Linux. But other than that, once you're in, you're likely in for good. And long-term you pass it on to your family, mainly your children (my first computer was a DOS/Windows machine mostly because my dad used the OS himself then).
That's fine, actually. I can talk to a Mac user. I can say things like "it's in a folder under your Home directory" and they will know exactly where that is. Windows users will just stare at you, slack-jawed and drooling.
Knock it off, Microsoft. You're not my buddy, you're an OS. Your job is to sit down, shut up, and run the programs I choose. That's it.
If I find a function that's useful for more than a week, I might make a batch file for it. Until then, you're spare code.
Windows users will add a new PowerShell command or registry hack to the pile of shit to do to clean up a fresh install, and keep complaining that Linux is too hard.
Oh, just shut up already. On Linux my fingerprint reader doesn't work, my Adobe apps doesn't run, my Concepts app doesn't run. Not everybody works in IT, and many of us actually run apps other than Office ones.
This shit sucks, and I'll support every tool that fixes and neuters Microsoft attacks to the user space because my work apps are there.
Lemmy users generally subscribe to the philosophy of "if everyone just thought exactly like me then the world would be utopia"
The actual solution is to pirate Windows 10 LTSC IOT from 1337x.to (microsoft's debloated version of W10 for sysadmins, it tends to get leaked) for a usable everyday system. The only Linux setups that are possible to daily drive (aren't unstable) are Linux Mint and an Arch setup with Hyprland if you know what you're doing - anything else has serious issues in my experience. Even if you got Adobe and Office apps running (which is possible in some cases), both the most used desktop environments on Linux (GNOME and KDE) are incredibly buggy messes. Literally half of all 'distros' are just trying to make sure those two desktop envs aren't launching nuclear bombs on your machine
XFCE is a pain-free desktop environment, so Xubuntu is my system of choice for personal use.
But in the office I just can't unilaterally decide to ditch Windows. And while I do have access to an admin account to fix some annoyances, it's not like I can run a custom OS so far removed from the regular user accounts that I wouldn't be able to replicate their issues.
The actual solution is to pirate Windows 10 LTSC IOT
Awesome. Amazing. Thankyou. This looks great.
That said, the rest of your comment is a bit... arrogant? Especially after complaining that Lemmy users are arrogant. Linux didn't work for you and / or your use case. Fine. Everything else works fine for loads of other people.
I primarily run Linux but absolutely understand the need for things that only work with windows so I dual boot. That being said I use AtlasOS which cleans up W10 pretty good. I don't have any of the crappiness that is currently hitting users.
I tried Solus once back in 2019-ish when I first learned Bash at work because I found it cool. Then came the games that were incompatible with Proton / Wine, and the many painful hours of trying to debug why Mass Effect Andromeda kept crashing after 30 mins of runtime (no solution found). In the end I just swapped back to Windows because I didn't want to do what I already did at work during the weekends.
I like Linux, but until a majority of game developers prioritize development for Linux I'll stick to Windows. I could dual boot Linux and Windows, but I suspect I'll just do everything on Windows in the end lol
The IT argument actually supports your argument, not necessarily against it. I work in IT and from home, and my company only works with Linux in limited capacities. Most of our tools and most of our clients are Windows based. Sure, I have Linux vms and such, but at the current moment switching my main OS is a hassle that I'll go through later.
Oh, oh, yes shut up. We already know some apps are available only for certain platforms and have different set of supported drivers.
Why have the same arguments over and over. If the only disadvantage of the clearly better thing is popularity, then don't shut up people taking time questionably promoting it.
Because we get the same useless suggestions over and over and over that solves absolutely nothing. If you know about the limitations then don't go around pitching Linux as an universal solution since that's clearly a lie.
Nobody used Adobe whatever 30 years ago and I bet that 30 years ago there were people working on video and graphics to sell products and to make photos 😁. Meaning stop using those tools. The tools don't make the artist.
I'll give you the benefit of doubt instead of calling you a troll, so I'll say this: Stop using your smartphone, right now. Nobody used GPS and people managed to cross oceans. Nobody had mobile phones and people managed to get in touch just fine. Nobody had text apps, they sent letters and used paper to take notes. They went to the bank to see how much money they had on their account. They went to music stores to browse CDs.
So give up you phone, right now, and all the conveniences it gives you. Then ask for a friend to text here after a year and tell me how it was.
I switched to Linux because of this. I'm sick of them pushing some OneDrive agenda. I want a personal computer. Not a cloud connection that a corporation has access to.
Obligatory "switch to Linux to turn it off" comment.
But honestly, Windows becoming more annoying and actively working against me is the reason I finally switched 4 months ago. It wasn't that Windows is proprietary, or that Linux has some technological advantages (as Windows probably has others) or that I disliked the desktop environment or whatever. It got in my way, and that's disrespectful and time consuming. I don't want my OS to get in my way, I want to do things with my computer.
The irritating thing about all this is, at least if Raymond Chen is to be believed, the OS letting you do what you want without getting in your way was actually a/the core design philosophy of Windows up until probably the end of the XP era. It seems with Vista they started losing the plot, and by the time of Windows 8 Microsoft had fully committed to going completely off the rails.
Honestly, Windows 7 was kind of good. It's the last Windows OS I could stand to use because it's the last one that was offline. You could do whatever you want and update whenever you want, there were no ads in the start menu or whatever
It grinds my gears for so many reasons, but most of all, it creates a huge vulnerability with little or no benefit to the end user. Needlessly adding extra online exposure, just so they can data mine.
I had switched to Linux the moment they introduced Win10 and telemetry back when, with great success. Dual booted for a long time for gaming but even that is no longer needed now since a few years ago. built my first amd only rig in 2019 which was a game changer.
I made it through until Win11 announced (Had to because of work). Once 11 was announced I just said fuck it, and have been Linux since.
I no longer have any computers in my house running windows except a 10 year old Laptop that is available for the really weird and off windows requirements (like ESPHome programming)
That's exactly what it is and it's infuriating. I planned this rig, I bought the parts, I built it, get your god damned hands off of it, Microsoft. When I can muster up the energy you'll be forever doomed to a life in a KVM in Linux, you assholes.
It's been mentioned multiple times already, but yeah, with each new action microsoft takes, it pushes me toward linux. I'm not currently on linux because I'm lazy, but my next build will be linux since I'll need to install an OS anyway then.
Install Linux and be done with the microshit nonsense.
"Oh but this particular thing requires 20 minutes of my time to figure it out" then take 20 minutes. On windows you took a lot more, you can spare this
But "insert specific hardware or software here" doesn't work in Linux! Then find alternate ways. I've used a Linux desktop for well over 29 years now, I had problems , like everyone else, but I never faced any of this and all the other bullshit from Microsoft. Bluetooth didn't work? I got a different adapter that does have Linux drivers.
Linux is growing bigger and bigger, more companies will support it, just use it. Worst case you change problem a for problem b but at least you're no longer paying to be spied on.
While I wholeheartedly agree with the notion of "switch to Linux if you can", sometimes people can't do this due to obscure work software, specific hardware they can't afford to change, or something else.
I know that being on Linux all those Windows enshittification news appear very distant, but some people literally can't escape Windows for now - it's not only those who are reluctant - and those news are bad news.
For those who consider Linux, though - by all means go for it. You can install Linux alongside Windows (preferably on another physical drive, but same drive will do), and just tinker with it and see how it feels. Don't just toy with it, actually try to use it. As with any system, it might seem a bit weird for your first few hours, but when (if) you'll be ready to make a switch, you really won't look back.
Linux is not just an "ideological" choice. It is faster (you may not notice this on Windows, but even on greatest of computers Windows is lagging a bit, and you'll feel the difference); it doesn't bombard you with anything, it doesn't shill you anything, it doesn't do what you didn't ask, it just gets the job done exactly the way you want it to.
And it's insanely satisfying. Silence and control. For once, you actually are a master of your system.
Choose some distribution that supports KDE Plasma desktop - be it Fedora KDE, Manjaro KDE, KDE Neon or anything else - they will all do. KDE will make your experience way more Windows-like, and it will be easier to switch. In fact, KDE is what Windows desktop wish it could be.
Or, if you feel nostalgic for Windows 7 era, choose Cinnamon-based distros, especially Linux Mint.
Exactly this, Windows has NEVER been a "it just works" desktop and people complain bitterly about it until Linux is offered... Suddenly "it works differently than windows" becomes an insurmountable obstacle people don't dare to take
Even LTT did this in their windows vs Linux comparison a couple of years back. Basically they introduced every possible user error (like not realizing they were copying a 4 GB file and expected it to copy under a second) as a Linux problem... I mean, come on!
In the end it's the exact situation as with pick up drivers... "Try to haul 10 tons of maneure on a Prius!".... Sure if you truly need to do that daily, stick with your truck, but the vast majority of pick up owners could have a normal sized car and barely would need to take special actions once a year
Give me HTC Vive SR-Anipal drivers, HP Reverb G2 Omnicept SDK drivers (yes, I know it's discontinued from 24H2), and I might consider switching to Linux.
Not really. There's always a skip or cancel button or "sign in another way" prompt somewhere. I think this means they're going to start prompting people more often.