Note to everyone seeing this post on all and unfamiliar with transgender rights and terminology.
Please read the sidebar. Comments breaking any rules will be removed. Transphobia will be banned. Gatekepping will be banned. This community is supportive of those taking DIY hormone replacement therapy.
If you have questions about DIY HRT, otherwise known as HRT without a doctors prescription, please direct your inquiries to Google. This community is a safe space for transfeminine people.
...of course people in the US still shouldn't talk to Journalists, as plenty of right-wing organisations pretend to be journalists in order to produce "gotcha" content and misinformation.
Just start bulldozing them and only talk about DIY home projects. "OMG you should see our new deck. Steve wants to stain it but I really like the bare look."
My mischievous side wants to do only one word answers, but my rational side knows they'd probably know how to twist it to fit their narrative
Q: What originally got you into DIY
A: Dave
Q: Dave?
A: Yes
Q: Who's Dave?
A: Nobody
Q: Would you please elavorate?
A: No
Q: So have you stopped grooming kids?
A: No... Yes! FUCK!
I'm also joining the group coming here from All, I've never heard of this, but just wanted to chime in and say I'm sorry some of you have to DYI your own healthcare because the system is failing you, please be safe and healthy.
Unfortunately it’s an ancient tradition. Transitioning is like abortion in that people will find a way if desperate enough even if that way is life threatening.
Exactly. This is the only argument needed to support treatments and drugs. If a person wants to do it (a choice made with a sufficiently healthy mind), we should provide safety. Euthanasia, abortion, hormones, etc. We shouldn't care about further views.
I'm not trans, just a middle aged dude, but it gives me a bit of hope that the trans community has these sorts of options when it feels like half the world wants to deny you your preferred existence. Shitty that you have to, but glad that you can.
Fuck the bigots. Fuck the church. Fuck bad-faith politicians. Fuck the lies of conservatives. And fuck the people who can't or won't see the media doing the same thing to trans folk they did to gays mere decades ago.
Idiots, cruel intolerant, controlling idiots, the lot of them.
'All the "alpha male" types release enough testosterone that transmasc people can actually just condense it out of the air.' And then start explaining in great detail your testosterone condensing setup
isnt the guardian owned by jeff bezos? Or is that the washington one, or both, i can never remember because i never seem to give a shit about these publications.
“I feel like I want to ask about this, but doing so wouldn’t support the oppressed people this is likely supporting. Moreover, it’s not my place to ask, but the name sounds dangerous. Hormone therapy is worth consulting an endocrinologist, which frustrates me due to the sorry, stifled state of healthcare in the US, the time zone this meme came from. However, the alternative, an absence of hormone therapy, isn’t safe either and I don’t want to be labeled “rightoid journo scum” for asking a sincere question in an effort to keep my irl friends safe. So maybe I just look it up myself without interviewing lemmy? That’s the ticket.”
She mentions trans DIY and moreso outlines the systemic issues of oppression which have lead many to take their own healthcare into their own hands due to failures and bottlenecking of trans care.
There are perfectly good reasons to be concerned about people medicating themselves with off label medication, or medication that have been sourced independently of trained healthcare providers.
However, just like when any demographic begins self medicating it is due to a failure in the public health sector. As a pediatric healthcare provider it's infuriating to see politicians once again attempt to make healthcare their business.
They have no idea how providers assess their patients health, so something like total outcome assessments don't mean anything to them. When providers are prescribing hormone therapy to their patients , they are weighting some minimal potential side effects against very permanent things like suicide.
The big concern when politicians ban certain types of healthcare , is there's always a shady character willing to take advantage of the people seeking that care illicitly. Of course there will be people providing these medications who truly want to help people, but they are usually eventually going to be a minority.
Even if doctors prescribe it where you live… Around here that still generally means oral estrodiol in low doses (WPATH SoC 8 if you want to know the details) which is known to cause unsatisfactory results due to unstable levels. When doses are increased it affects the liver in potentially negative ways. In also requires usage of an antiandrogen in humans with intact testosterone production, which all have known unpleasant sideeffects… (+ A lot of gatekeeping to even get the prescription in the first place.)
Compare that to doing a single DIY injection a month with no known negative side-effects if administrated carefully (other than feminization, duh) even Less safe than prescribed is a dubious claim, I think.
If it’s posted past 8 AM EST, I assume it’s Americans. Unfortunately, the guardian is global so even that isn’t a determinant of origin. If China weren't sequestered, and India and Europe were less disinterested in lemmy, I’d be less certain. In short, big population, big posts.
HRT or Hey as autocorrect would like really hard to put it, is "Hormonal Replacement Therapy". I'm not trans and I'm sure others would be wondering what it means. I love that someone mentioned Linux.
It's so depressing that we are loosing our freedoms to change to the gender we are inside alone with our freedoms of expression and for women, their reproductive rights. I can't believe the level of intrusive legislation happening. I just don't understand the end goal. I assume that the people making these stupid laws also live here and some must be queer like the rest of us in some way. So why do they insist in making the world harder to live in for the people they don't understand? 😞
Anyway, just some thoughts before going to sleep. I also do hope putin chokes on a pretzel while dropping without a a actually with a parachute directly into the 🌞 sun. Would be the best morning 🌅🌄 ever if it happened.
So why do they insist in making the world harder to live in for the people they don’t understand? 😞
It is quite simple. It is part of a culture war that the right wages using resources provided by the rich. The one and only purpose is to take attention away from the extreme inequalities that exist in our capitalist societies. What they fear most is class war, so they try everything to generate other conflicts for the populace to engage in. It is pretty much the same with other topics, like abortion. Raising these conflicts costs them absolutely nothing, and even if they are part of a group that is affected, the rules do not apply to them anyway, only to us normos.
What frightens me is that, understanding this, some on the left (or those that claim to be left) think that the focus should be solely on class war, to the point of completely ignoring human rights problems. In Germany, that'd be Sarah Wagenknecht and her stupid new party, who thinks people fighting for Trans rights are "lifestyle leftists". Needless to say, I could not disagree more.
Wait what Wagenknecht actually said that? I knew she was a terf and her stupid party voted against the new trans rights bill but I had never heard this before.
This refers to DIY hormone replacement therapy. Purchasing hormones directly from suppliers when health care systems are not able or willing to provide them.
I'm not entirely up to speed on the situation, but the UK recently reduced access to HRT. People are trying to make their own by sourcing hormones directly, and the guardian is supposedly contacting people to try and write a story about it.
The allegation is that the Guardian is writing an anti-trans hit piece, and you should not talk to them because they may out you or use your words to make trans people look bad.
(DIY is Do-It-Yourself. HRT is Hormone Replacement Therapy. DIY HRT is doing HRT on your own, without professional assistance, in situations where HRT may be otherwise difficult or illegal to obtain because of age, family, or local politics)
They've posted articles against banning transgender conversion therapy, their chief lead writer is an outspoken TERF, they've posted articles for years now calling trans women threats to cisgender lesbians, and many more examples than that.
The article you linked does indeed seem to be a relatively trans supportive article. The guardian is internally divided on issues of transgender rights and acceptance, and occasionally trans positive articles are published there. The organization is not trustworthy, however, and has been actively hostile to trans rights, unfortunately.
DIY HRT is a trans-beneficial concept. The Guardian tends to have an anti-trans agenda. It is assumed that they would not be investigating to paint DIY HRT in a positive light, but to investigate in bad faith so they may push it to the forefront of national/worldwide conversation as in "look at the new evil the trans mafia are pushing on our children!"