It’s who left that matters. We lost a TON of tech people. People with experience and knowledge in the field. I visit there and the tech subs I’m in are just kids who either a) just post edgy jokes or b) have no clue and reply with factually incorrect material. The veracity of Reddit plummeted after the API change.
And that matters. That’s the heart of Reddit. The nerds. The geeks. The tech enthusiasts.
If there aim is to turn it into Twitter or Fb, they can do that, but those two already exist and their platform is much more conducive to socializing.
They fucked up with the API and will never bounce back. Not like they care because all they’re chasing is quick money, but still. It won’t end well for them.
And if you don’t think 1% matters, it most certainly does when the 1% attracts 60% of your visitors.