I used to live nearby! Loved that silly thing, just don’t treat it like one big roundabout - it’s six chained roundabouts that you can use individually; both green and red routes are valid and legal for the same destination:
I don't mind the complexity of it, but they need to make it bigger to make lane changes possible. That and experienced drivers are too impatient for new drivers to figure it out.
Traffic inside the roundabout has priority, meaning you wait to go in until no one comes from left (roundabouts are always counter-clock). That difficult?
Yeah, everyone knows how a roundabout works but if you've never seen several of them combined like this then it can take you by surprise if you were just expecting one big one
Ok. I get it. There are people in the Americas that are not from the US. But do you call people from the United Mexican States "Unitied Mexican Stateans"? No, that sounds ridiculous. I think that it's silly anyway to call everyone from either Americas "American" anyway; they are two different continents! "North American" or "South American" would be better, if you must get so broad with your adjectives (but really, continent-wide generalizations of people are rarely useful anyway). Sorry for the rant.
1: I was making a meta joke, and this point isnt really your fault
2: Canada takes up more of North America than the States does, and no one says "United States of Mexico", they say Mexico. Mexico is also not a continent that is shared with other Countries. In general I'm not going to fight people referring to the States as America, but you arguement is BAD
To be fair, it's the most American roundabout ever. Changing numbers of lanes, stop lights around it, and completely unintuitive. I seem to always be one lane more to the right of where I thought I needed to be.
I think the joke is people keep posting the "you can drive x hours and still be in y location", but really, you can drive indefinitely in one neighborhood, without every leaving. You could stay in the roundabout for as long as you want, just like you can drive from South Africa to Finland, or whatever.
Yes, that was my first thought as well.
But the Google Maps screenshot says 0.2 mile which means that it's just exactly one time around in the roundabout and not insanely often, so that's not the case here.
I looked up the roundabout to see if there's any reason why you'd need so long (e.g. it's not really for driving and you could be 1mph/kmh or so, but it looks like you can drive normally on it.
The biggest my city has is 2 lanes and 5 exits. That’s pretty easy; 1st or 2nd exit is ok in the right lane, anything else in the left, always yield to left lane.
This 4 lane 6 exit shit is wild. Oh, and you drive on the left for some extra “what the fuck?”