Annoyingly similar buttons with very different functions
One of the buttons laps the stopwatch, the other resets the entire session clearing all lap markers and stopping the counter. Better not forget which is which, especially given that you're probably timing something in the physical world not paying much attention to your phone...
Dude I struggle with this all the time! The symbols are way too similar to each other and I occasionally find myself turning off the alarm when I meant to snooze.
On top of that, I swear the UI changes 1-2 times per year with software updates. It's hard to pinpoint since I'm usually 90% asleep when interacting with the alarm, but I know it has changed from tap to swipe and switched sides at least once since I got my last phone in 2022.
There is absolutely no reason for that shit. If you look at an old school alarm clock, the snooze button is the size of a small country, and there is usually a much smaller button or sliding switch to make damn sure you meant to turn the alarm off.
UIs went to shit when some marketing person decided to stop putting labels on buttons and just go with shapes that are somehow supposed to be universally interpreted.
Samsung's clock application did this pretty well, where you don't even have a reset count button until you press the button that stops the stopwatch from counting.