I wonder when chat gpt being included in everything will backfire. How many requests are being sent to a multiple servers that people are unaware of and how secure are those servers?
Yeah my company enabled the use of copilot with our corporate Microsoft accounts. I don't understand how you can open such a massive can of worms to ALL your users. It's pretty much begging for information to completely leave corporate control. It's absolutely insane.
I mean they've been doing multitenancy in Azure for a while.. I'd be pretty surprised if the data input from copilot was not handled in the same manner.
Worse, the communication isn't through some finite algorithm... It's this amorphouse agent that can be tricked to saying things it's explicitly designed not to say.
I will die of laughter if someone manages to trick copilot to get data stolen from the USA (or another countrie's) government by M$. Not saying it will happen, but knowing GPT... Just imagine the memes
Local government is also having this issue. Lots of cities don't have the resources so will probably throw a lot at gpt...which means a very large attack vector.
My manager literally cannot figure out how not to have a giant age of empires ad coat her screen. Microsoft Windows is totally a product you've purchased for the sake of handling your business. /s
US government does not have a public fund or tax to pay for the development of a government sanctioned Unix/GNU operating system by a US company. Once that happens, then this issue goes away.
Well, it was. It's not the reliable, stable OS it was only a few years ago. It has really pushed the envelope for stupid since its first foray into Dumb for EL6.
In reality it is more complex. However, I know the air force uses a ton of Linux and related tools such as Kubernetes and Samba. Who would've thought a fighter jet would be running kubernetes
Microsoft has stumbled through a series of major cybersecurity failures over the past few years. Experts say the US government’s reliance on its systems means the company continues to get a free pass.
It's extra funny that the PR drone MS have wheeled out has the last name Faehl - how's that pronounced, I wonder... Could it be fail?
Fitting really...
Personally, I'm deeply entwined in the MS product stackpillar of turds and I hate it. They appeared to gave made an honest effort after the trustworthy computing initiative, but that has clearly been eroded...
Why they've got everyone's trust, I just can't understand. Convenience trumps everything else, I guess...