Did they just photocopy a flyer that was photocopied by someone else? Because this looks like it was about 15 steps from the original printing. Also, why hand these out now?
Sounds about right for these folks. Anytime you see an email like this it's always FW: FW: FW: FW: FW: FW: the Illuminati KILLED MY DOG with COVID masks!
I once got a full color, too many graphics, tiny writing to fit it all on one full page flyer about how doritos is made with human stem cells. I've got it in a file somewhere because it was so weird I couldn't throw it out. And yes, some of the graphics were of the flavoring fetuses.
Have they been subject to medium to long term safety testing on humans?
Yes. For over two years now. Using a population of hundreds of millions of people and a control population of people who xerox misinformation and hand it out to strangers in grocery stores.
News flash: the vaccinated ones are doing way better.
As an addendum, the idea that a vaccine can produce side effects years down the line is a myth. A vaccine is a one-time payload - if any side effects are going to crop up, they will inevitably be in the few weeks following vaccination as your body processes it. After that, if nothing has gone awry, you're good.
As an addendum addendum, I have some news for people worried about long-term effects of encountering only the spike proteins: you're really going to hate the long-term effects from taking that virus raw.
Did billions of people end up getting the mRNA vaccine? I thought the traditional vaccine was more widely deployed outside the United States.
In any case, the objection is nonsense. On populations this large, the number of side effects was slightly less than might have been expected at the outset. The researchers did good work.
For vaccines in general, yes. But kooky people that think this is some kind of trick are worried about it being an mRNA vaccine, which is indeed somewhat new. The idea has been around for about fifty years, but the first human clinical trials were only about a decade ago and COVID was the first large-scale human deployment.
Now, in fairness, they were almost entirely ready at the time. I would imagine, without COVID, we probably would've still seen mRNA vaccines become mainstream already, though maybe last year or this year instead of in 2021. But COVID stepped up the final stages of approval significantly.
I have a dead uncle because of these nonsense theories he refused to wear a mask, social distance etc. The inevitable happened and he passed from covid within a week. All because of anonymous people on Facebook who I will never meet, and will never suffer the consequences of their actions. Makes me so angry
A friends mom was snowboarding with her grandkids the year before covid. His sister, a pharmacist btw, warned their mom off the vaccine. Their mom caught covid and died. The vaccine would likely have saved her life.
Tens, no likely hundreds of thousands of people surely died due to misinformation and fear mongering.
It's feel so rare reading all those stories on internet, while my family is crazy alt-right that eat all the communist conspiracies on the internet, except the ones referencing vaccines or climate change. Like every newborn baby on the family is "quarantined" until all vaccines are on (at least the ones from the first 6 months) so everyone's following the vaccine calendar to mark when the baby's is going to meet the rest of the family.
My friend died before he was able to get a vaccine dose. He was young and fit and healthy, enough so that his death was covered in a local newspaper. He'd have probably have gotten his first vaccine dose if we'd caught COVID a couple weeks later, and that might have been enough to save him. I'll never know, and maybe he'd have still died, but I'll always resent people who have/had the choice to be vaccinated but choose not to.
I’m high risk as I’m immunosuppressed. I’ve had 8 vaccines, shielded for well over a year and always wore a mask. I finally caught COVID last week. There’s not a doubt in my mind that I would have died already if I hadn’t been vaccinated. My oxygen saturation levels just keep dropping - 90% today. I’m going to have to go to hospital ☹️
This is far more than mildly infuriating, this is actively putting peoples lives at risk, it's enraging and quite scary, and why disabled and other vulnerable people are continuing to be more isolated than ever.
Fuck this person and the bullshit they spread. I rarely leave the house, but if I did and someone handed me something like this I'd grab the whole pile and set it on fire, casually roll over their feet with my wheelchair on my way, too (E: actually, scratch that, I wouldn't want to get that close to the disease vector, even with my mask on).
I’ve had it twice now and don’t mind getting close, otherwise agreed on all counts. Let’s hide the accelerant fairy juice under your chair, you can be getaway driver with clean hands. Tell me you have a rad van with wheel controls
When that stupid PSA warning came through that conspiracy theorists said would "activate" the vaccine I was in my MAGAt infested office. I fell to the floor and screamed "The vaccine!" as soon as I heard everyone's phones go off.
To make it seem like legitimate. "These other doctors in other countries are speaking out about it, while the establishment in this country is suppressing the "truth""
I like how page 1 says not to wear masks because they are bad put page 2 implies that you must wear a mask because getting the vaccine won’t allow you to not wear masks.
We clearly need to bring back the big red rubber stamp. Just stamp it "SCAM" and leave it somewhere like a bulletin board. Because if they want to waste their money and paper, we should make it expensive for them. The stamp isn't expensive really and ink pads are fairly cheap and last a long time.
I would say some unfiltered shit at any moron that handed me something like this. It would probably be exactly what they want, but I would belittle them with every fiber of my being in the hopes that something sticks and they feel bad. It would make me feel a little better, but I am also a big man child sometimes.
I'm still mad I never learnt any "real" spells, nor was never invited to join a coven, despite fulfilling a 1-20 D&D campaign. Dark Dungeons lied to me!!
I do love that Jack had apparently spent about 10 minutes in the library's periodicals room reading articles about D&D and decided he knew enough about it to make that comic.
Oh they're great. I sometimes go look at their archives for a chuckle since all of their tracts are there for free. Most people's favorite is Dark Dungeons, which is about how D&D is satanic, but I have to say that my favorite would be Angels? which is about a Christian rock band who gets a manager named "Lew Siffer" and don't notice that there may be something weird there, but it's probably because they're very stupid, because their subsequent hit song goes something like "We're gonna rock rock with the rock!"
Why can’t they just go back to handing out Chick tracts? At least those were funny.
Speaking about the website/comics itself, I don't think 'bait and switch' would be a method that Jesus would want to be used to get people to convert to Christianity.
It's sillier than that. Jack Chick seemed to genuinely believe that most people had just never heard of Jesus and once they do, they'll instantly convert.
Fun fact: I looked it up and those cells used in the vaccines are from a fetus aborted in the 1960s lmao. They make it sound like they are just raping monkeys by the hundreds to make vaccines
I mean, that survey on the back isn’t lying, per se, but it’s taking things that are only minorly concerning and stating them in a way that is overblown or more alarming than they deserve.
A couple of them fall into the "technically true, but misleading territory" - I'm sure the person handing this out couldn't identify which though - broken clock right twice a day and all
"Can you reverse effects" - no you can't make your immune system forget how to work. Probably not what they are going for here though.
"Risk of [...] or other side effects?" - yeah the vaccines generally give people a headache and short lived fever symptoms
"Have there been deaths?" - The astrazeneca vaccine had like a 0.000001% mortality risk (more likely to die driving to the pharmacy), and was pulled in many countries because that was deemed too dangerous. Person handing out the flyer has likely been parroting "mRNA vaccines cause blood clots" nonsense for years while being completely unaware that AZ was a traditional viral vector vaccine
"Are there doctors recommending NOT taking it" - yeah, there are many notable anti-vaccine doctors, what they typically have in common is they earned their doctorate in computer science, social studies, or some other field that gives them no qualifications to talk about immunology
In case you are serious or someone else is serious about this:
Masks, just like underwear, are permeable. If they wouldn't be, you would suffocate as no air would be able to reach your lungs. (At your rear, that's just a consequence of low requirements towards the material, which mainly serves as a covering and being able to dry.) So gas molecules are usually not stopped to pass through your underwear or masks.
The main difference between, e.g. FFP2/3, masks and your underwear is the size of particles that are able to pass through. Your underwear will be able to catch some moisture of a juicy fart and probably some shit particles. However, most of the gases and smaller particles can pass through.
Filter masks are able to stop most particles down to a certain size. For FFP 2 masks at least 94% of particles down to a size of 0,6 micrometers can be stopped. Particles smaller than that are likely to pass through. FFP 3 masks block at least 99% of particles down to the same size.
The thing with viruses like Covid-19 is, that they are usually expelled from an infected person via the respiratory system, that means, your mouth and nose. There, the virus cells are mostly soluted within the moist air you breathe out. Moist air means: there are very tiny (mainly) water particles which are spread over a certain volume of gas. And they are floating with the currents of the gas. That's what basically constitutes an aerosol. Particles, tiny and lightweight enough to float with a gas (for a while).
You can see that clearly with spray cans. With breathing air it's not so good to see with the naked eye.
Those moist particles, loaded with virus cells, are usually large enough to be filtered out by FFP masks. It's not perfect of course, but it can help a great deal and contribute to prevention measures.
The stinky stuff in farts is afaik a pure gas and not an aerosol. (Did you know that in terms of gas volume, just about 2 % of a single fart contains the smelly chemicals?) Which is why neither masks, nor underwear help so much against stinky farts.
FFP masks are mandatory in jobs where dangerous smaller particles can enter your body. They help against dust, smoke and a lot of aerosols. But they don't filter out pure gases. That's what gas masks are for.
In terms of infection spreading, a neat side-effect of masks is that they can slow down the velocity of exhaled air, which helps to reduce how far the aersol spreads around a person. Trying to blow out a candle while wearing a mask isn't as easy as without a mask, which demonstrates this effect.
Futhermore, there has been a study suggesting that wearing a mask for a while or wearing it during rainy weather can - up to a certain point - further improve the filter capabilities of such face masks, since the moisture accumulates on the surface of the mask (in- and/or outside) and by this forms another protective barrier.