I got confused, clicked your link and was like: Yeah....the guy is fuckin craycray.....but what shoes??
So maybe look up Iranian surplus? Or look to see who manufactures them? Maybe make friends with some people in Iran, in the military, and see how much of a bribe it would take to have some sent in your size?
The imagery that comes to mind is a special israeli kid facing a football goal, ball at his feet. Behind the kid with the ball is an american, cheering him on and encouraging him. Across from them is an iranian goalkeeper.
The israeli kicks the ball, the american cheers and praises as the ball slowly rolls across the grass. The iranian goalkeeper dives dramatically in the wrong direction, allowing the ball to roll in.
The american raises the drooling israeli child onto his shoulders while the stadium erupts into praise and celebration of the kid's accomplishment.
Patriarchy is quick to war and values physical aggression. If we were ruled by matriarchy the wars would be sparse and pragmatic. No dick measuring contests on geopolitical arena.
You can disagree of course but you must surely notice that men are more prone to aggression and seek physical fights.