It might fix everyone slowing down to a crawl as they go past Stonehenge though. The a303 is a dual carriageway that goes down to 1 Lane past stone henge, the new tunnel would stop the bottleneck that happens as it goes past stonehenge, if having a busy road that goes past Stonehenge hasn't affected it's world heritage status, then changing that to a tunnel shouldn't affect it either, if anything it will improve the aesthetics as all you can hear there is the road.
The main question should be, could this money be better spent? The answer is obviously yes.
That being said, if the issue is traffic slowing down, then you put up a monument between the highway and Stonehenge that blocks drivers' view. Could easily be a monument to the Celtic and Gallic history of England. Something nondescript from the road's side.
If the issue is the amount of traffic, then regulated entry is the way. Put stoplights at the highway's entry and only let several on at a time.
It will not fix everyone slowing down to a crawl, it will lead to more people driving when they should be taking a train and make traffic worse. This is the only possible result of road widening.
Hi there! Looks like you linked to a Lemmy community using a URL instead of its name, which doesn't work well for people on different instances. Try fixing it like this: !
Article doesn’t directly state it, but implies the tunnel is going to be there to reduce the visual impact of adding a bigger road to the area.
Big waste of money IMO. Makes way more financial and environmental sense to just move the highway a couple KM away(buying land as needed) and widen it there.
It is in farmland, but it's also smack next to one of the country's major arterial routes to the southwest, and a two-lane road (one lane in each direction) at that. So the traffic buildup at peak season can lead to terrible delays. Add to that the gawpers who slow down to look at it, the coaches and tourists and it's just always been an absolute nightmare. If you ever find you might need to be on the a303 in that area after 4pm on a Friday or Sunday in the summer, change your plans.
A short term and way cheaper potential alternative would be putting up the green fencing you see alongside airports - make it Impossible to see the stones from the road and you'll solve a good deal of the problems.
This has been going on for decades and will likely go on for a few more. I dont think this is the best use of money when half the country is wondering how they're going to pay the mortgage next month.