Yeah, how difficult is it to build something like this but only have interest in it in the time between getting horny and nutting? How many times did you delete partial progress before you did see it through to the end, OP? Or did you just do a few long edging sessions?
Lmfao walking someone through the mentality of what could have been the case for this is hilarious. "oh this is awesome! Fuck yea....what have I done. It's too powerful it must be destroyed"
Where does the get sourced from? Looks like pornhub gifs. You could think of a integration for some nsfw subreddits as well (if you can get past the api barrier they built up, like with redlib).
The app has 100% ruined porn accounts. Every third post is trying to redirect me to AmIOverreacting or similar and I keep reading wondering when things are gonna get sexy.
Glad you like it! Yes this is likely coming soon, just have to figure out a way to present it cleanly. Probably will end up using a suggestion list in the search bar.
At the risk of sounding like a Texan governor, what does infinite scrolling porn do to somebody’s brain, and how does that affect their sex life?
EDIT: just do a little research on infinite scrolling and the effects of porn and then think about the effects of those combined. Y’all sound like porn addicts. It’s okay to watch porn. It’s not okay to deny that there are serious detrimental side effects to what and the way we consume it. Take care of yourself if having meaningful sexual experiences with a real human matters to you.
I think this is detrimental quicker than other pleasures, a porn magazine for example, or even a porn streaming site. It hits faster, is more stimulating and is less work to keep it going.
Compounding the negative effects of infinite scrolling and porn seems very detrimental to one’s sexual psychology and in turn their life.
EDT: damn y’all really love porn. clearly no women on Lemmy yet.
I don’t think it is though. Lots of articles on the effects of infinite scrolling on our brains. It triggers dopamine and becomes addictive. TikTok is different than going to YouTube for example. Then add the effects of porn on our brain to that and you got a very potent digital cocktail.
Sure. People can just not do crack. A more like comparison, people could just not scroll through Lemmy or any other infinite scrolling app, but they do because nobody thinks it has any real ramifications.