yeah, i couldn’t find a picture of a “Norse female peasant” that didn’t make her look like a sex goddess.. the idealization is thick among the norse identity crowd.
Well ackchyually he most likely is a descendant of both farmers and viking raiders. Basically everyone in Norway brags about being descendents of the first king Harald Hårfagre. It's likely true, the dude had lots of kids, and if you go 1000 years back in such a small country everybody share common ancestors.
Typically these norse identity guys are americans, and their Norse roots are tenuous at best. usually it’s just an excuse to drink home made mead and be racist. As an American, identifying with a nationality that doesn’t belong to you is basically a national pastime.
Wait, do some Americans identify with nationalities that they don't belong to? That just sounds strange to my Norwegian ears. Drinking mead is not really common here anymore anyways