That depends on what they are doing and how they are doing it. If their only goal is to somehow bring about communism by winning a vote in a capitalist democracy, they are obviously ridiculous. But while living under a bourgeois democracy, while the population at large still believes in that system, participation in it can be used as a tool to build class consciousness, to work toward the ultimate goal of revolution. This is essentially Lenin's position in “Left-Wing” Communism: an Infantile Disorder.
Participation in parliamentary elections and in the struggle on the parliamentary rostrum is obligatory on the party of the revolutionary proletariat specifically for the purpose of educating the backward strata of its own class, and for the purpose of awakening and enlightening the undeveloped, downtrodden and ignorant rural masses. Whilst you lack the strength to do away with bourgeois parliaments and every other type of reactionary institution, you must work within them because it is there that you will still find workers who are duped by the priests and stultified by the conditions of rural life; otherwise you risk turning into nothing but windbags.
Reactionaries are insane. Ask a racist to explain how because you had one ancestor of a different race 150 years ago so you are automatically impure and deserve to die.
Comrades, why are some of us surprised? We all know what the modern Russian state is. Not even China is fully "progressive" on this issue, so to expect Russia to be is somewhat -- well, delusional. Remember what the "critical" in "critical support" means.
Exactly, after decades of socialist development. In that same time, Russia went through a collapse and what was arguably an attempted genocide by the United States. That they aren't a complete fascist hellhole like Ukraine or the Baltics after all that is something of a miracle.
From Russia's POV, Western imperialism and LGBTQ+ has become synonymous, and this was no accident. Just look at the Lockheed Martin funded pride march from a while ago...
Edit: I'm not trying to make the claim that Western imperialism and LGBTQ+ are synonymous, rather I'm commenting on how Western capitalists have co-opted LGBTQ+ movements and imageries, and this would have the effect of compelling Russia, or other global south countries who sees this, to stray towards a less LGBTQ+ tolerant direction.
I've read various comments on Reddit and Lemmygrad stating that the LGBTQ+ movement is heavily pushed by the state to provide a distraction to the workers from their economic immiseration.
I don't know how true that conjecture is, but it does feel really unsettling how much the imperialists are pushing for it.
LGBT+ people aren't an "agenda". Yes, it's true that the state tries to co-opt their identity to pink wash itself, but like with any sort of radical history, it tends to get co-opted.
Look into the history of events like Compton cafateria and Stonewall. LGBT+ history is just as much a part of worker history as any other group's.
On Lemmygrad?? The only argument I've seen is that imperialists claim that another country is repressing LGBTQ+ people (whether or not there's any truth to it) to manufacture consent for sanctions and the like, which is certainly true, but I'm not aware of any efforts to "push" LGBTQ+ movements domestically as a distraction from capitalism
They push it because it's an easy win. Corporations will subvert any cause that doesn't have directly to do with overthrowing capitalism. They do the same thing with environmentalism and diversity initiatives. That doesn't mean that those things are inherently bad or part of some sort of secret plot.
if you think the imperialist western countries push for ACTUAL lgbtq+ equality/rights, you're mistaken. western/nato countries are either very outwardly queerphobic (united states, united kingdom, poland, etc) or push for liberal, harmless versions of it (most of western/northern europe) that doesn't actually address social discrimination and oppression under capitalism, its just a pinkwashed facade. true queer equality is only possible through socialism, so why would the imperialist nations actually support it?