[hyprland] n0tch2k (AGAIN!!)
[hyprland] n0tch2k (AGAIN!!)

questions (and answers)
- what's that music player? (atleast i think it is..)
- wtf is soswav.love?? is it an actual link?
- no, it isn't a link and i don't think it ever will! and, ehem, it looked cool! (soswav stands for 'sleeping on sound waves', if you're curious..)
- what is elvish and why are you in
- it's a shell that is pretty cool! kinda fast, too!
- i wanted to show how bad my elvish config is!
- (the file manager is nimmm, if you wanted to know that)
- what's that terminal font? and what is that font in waybar?
- CaskaydiaCove Nerd Font Mono (miracode is still cool) | terminal font
- Ubuntu Nerd Font | waybar font
- did you make that waybar style?
- nope! it uses the waybar style by Krautt and the modules by JaKooLit, i edited some of the modules so it looks more like this setup by someone i don't remember the name of (also, if you ever see this: thanks for sharing your terminal font!)
- why though?
- as i've said previously, i'm not very original and i *really* like their waybar config! (i do want that wallpaper, though.)
- why though?
- nope! it uses the waybar style by Krautt and the modules by JaKooLit, i edited some of the modules so it looks more like this setup by someone i don't remember the name of (also, if you ever see this: thanks for sharing your terminal font!)
- kinda? most of the stuff i have is taken (or inspired) from other setups but i always end up editing it to give it a more 'my-way' look
- what is that wallpaper?
- this: (unedited)
- this: (edited)
- this: (unedited)
- how many posts are you going to do about this damn thing?!?!!?
- uh, i'll finish it here! hope this isn't getting too annoying!
- how many bullet points are these?
- around 26 (i think..)