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  • Cause they were annoying as shit, and only a small class of users even liked them in the first place.

    Back in the 90s, a lot of forums would also ban your ass if you had an obnoxious signature to boot.

  • I think it just made more sense to make a user's username link back to a profile containing their bio rather than appending that bio to the bottom of every post. More economical in terms of space utilization and leads to higher signal-to-noise ratio in the thread.

  • At some point the signatures were regularly larger than the actual posts and they became a laughing stock. Also they often contain information that only the signature's owner cares about - if he even keeps it up to date.

  • The better forums would only show the first post from a user having their signature, and any other posts by them on that thread it would be absent. That's the biggest problem with such things, they end up cluttering the actual discussion.

  • Ahh, the good old days of making different userbars. I think that's actually how I got started learning programs like gimp and photoshop lol

    Anyway, it probably changed when social media took off. Preferences shifted and they fell out of style. I didn't mind smaller signatures with a few userbars and stuff, but they did sometimes get crazy if there weren't image size limits or limits of the amount of pics allowed in a signature.