Rep. Anna Paulina Luna (R-FL) suggested on the House floor that because the phrase "humanitarian aid for women and children in Afghanistan" is not explicitly mentioned in the Constitution, such aid is unconstitutional.
It's amazing that we were able to elect people so unqualified for office. I have no idea how they were able to make it to the polls without being hit by a bus...
“This amendment would make that humanitarian aid illegal and people would die,” she concluded before Luna rose to rebut her speech.
“Chairman, I couldn’t help but pull out my pocket Constitution and I couldn’t seem to find anywhere in here where it says we need to fund programs for humanitarian aid for women and children in Afghanistan,” Luna said. “So, with that, I just wanted to point that out.”
Considering the impact they had on supporting the revolution the writers of the constitution oversaw and took part in it is a good thing France and Spain didnt have as many compunctions about providing aid.
We spend generations creating a population of uneducated people by gutting public education systems and price lockouting higher education, so now we need politicians that can pretend to be dumb, fit in and garner their support.
Since it seems like Anna needs help reading, I'll point out the relevant text in the constitution:
[The President] shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur
Her constituents Josh and Aschleigh just heard "Blah blah blah Constitution blah blah blah brown people bad," and that was enough for them, so it served its purpose.
This wasn’t just about aid.
“The fiscal 2024 National Defense Authorization Act, or NDAA, which sets policy for the Pentagon and authorizes $886 billion in spending, was approved 219-210.”
But, because a crazy Republican said something evil, you focus on that and the aid cut. Yes, we should deplore Republicans for being deplorable. But this increases military spending.
She's not right at all though, so it doesn't apply here.
Some libertarians were right that it was a bad idea to invade and destroy the country, but not sending aid after fucking everything up for 20 years is just irresponsible and cruel.
Is Walther your dog? I love golden retrievers. I was unknowingly concern trolling. That aid was part of a $816 billion military spending bill. My complaint was more about the rage posting. Getting people to hate on Republicans without looking at the bigger picture. How is the aid distributed? How do we know women get it when the Taliban is in control? What are we getting in return? None of that is answered in the article.
Why does the US have to be a power? We have homeless here. We have poverty here. We have food insecurity here. I’m not against aid, just aid that goes to the wrong people.
We would have plenty of money to spend at home and abroad if we didn't have a military bigger than the next 20 combined. Giving foreign aid is something all first world countries do. Because they have it better than others. Even if there are people who live in poverty in America, overall the standard of living is higher than Afghanistan.
You're painting a false dichotomy. We can take care of all these domestic issues, and we can give foreign aide. It wouldn't even be hard, it would require a small fraction of the military budget or a slight to most increase of taxes on corporations and the ultra rich.
But some people don't want to give money to poor/starving people, regardless of how much it costs. You could end all foreign aide and all the money would just go... somewhere else that isn't poor people's pockets.
America is not the main protagonist. Other countries are doing other things. No one is asking the US to be a hero and save third world countries, they're asking for aid which every Western country is involved in.
The US spent two decades sapping what resources the country had in the name of "bringing democracy" and then just abandoned them to the Taliban. Humanitarian aid is the bare minimum for any wealthy country, let alone the one that fucked everything up.
I agree. The point and question I was trying to explore was: Should the country that burned down the house be the one that offers to rebuild it? We could give that money to international organizations. Maybe they will. Which is good. The article doesn’t say that though, it just wants you to hate Republicans.