Do you like fullback panties?
Do you like fullback panties?
Do you like fullback panties?
Never commented on an NSFW post in my life but I've just realized I'm absolutely an ass man. That's a life affirming picture.
A sexy pair of panties are a sexy pair of panties. Having a nice ass doesn't ever hurt though. I think my favorite panties are "boy short" ones.
Man, I'm with you there. Don't know what it is, but boy shorts are fuckin' hot.
Heck yeah. I appreciate the festive theme as well.
"Judge not by the coverage of the panties, but by the caliber of that luscious ass..."
If they're not glued, sure.
Hell, I'm fine with granny panties too, as long as I can take them off.
Hell yeah! The right pair of panties are sexy or hot regardless of how much they cover.
Your ass looks great in those!
They look great on your ass, so yeah :)