How do other Europeans survive the raining season in Asia?
I moved to Korea and every year June, July and August I'm incapable to be outside because of the humidity. On the way to the convenience shop my underwear is already sweaty.
So I stay either in the office or at home running the AC all the time which doesn't help with fighting the climate change.
With the heat waves in Europe right now, I don't think the other side has it any better.
I think you mean summer, rather than monsoon. And yes, it is quite humid in comparison. I never got used to it, I always sweat like a pig in the summer, without exception. As you figured out, the trick is to stay indoors.
Used to live in Singapore and my recommendations are to use thin Uniqlo Airism tees or tank tops underneath your tee or shirt. Plan your routes so you know where to find aircon or fans, always walk slowly and make sure to hydrate. There are also body sheets that you can use to freshen up.
I live in Bangkok. Buying a decent capacity dehumidifier (LG MD19GQGA1) was one of my best decisions ever. I don't understand why they aren't more popular here. Cuts down on the bill for A/C too.
Every place I have lived here the A/C has had trouble bringing the relative humidity below 60%.
Everywhere else I go (friends, shops) where there is A/C has it blowing hard at 24 degrees celsius, but it is still humid and thus uncomfortable. Xiaomi sells those portable temp/humidity meters for really cheap.
30 degrees celsius at 50% (or lower) relative humidity is so much more comfortable than 25 degrees at 70% relative humidity.
Oh yes I totally agree, I was researching dehumidifiers but It's kind of difficult to get this information so I still didn't buy any. Thanks for the specifics!
I don't understand why they aren't more popular here.
As somebody from a humid climate, who moved to a much drier region - it's probably because we kinda like the humidity
Does it suck to be all sweaty during summer? Yes, absolutely. But my skin requires much less moisturizing and my hair changes to a nicer texture every time I am back in my childhood home. I just avoid going there in summer months!
There is a difference between healthy and unhealthy relative humidity. The annual average here is 80% which promotes mold growth. Healthy is between 40-60% which even with A/C is hard to achieve in the wet season. A dehumidifier creates a winter-like environment for significantly less costs than running the A/C (and its compressor).
When I researched this subject I found humidifiers to be very popular. Hard to believe when the average relative humidity is 80%. They are used to grow marihuana indoors (in growing tents).
All my friends here are on it (dehumidifiers, weed they already had) now too. Not easy to find because the little stock you'll find is sold out quickly. Low budget 1L-a-day dehumidifiers are plenty available though, but they won't do much unless you're living in a closet.
I used to be overweight, but lost 25 pounds and I find that heat and humidity bother me much less than before. The other thing that helps is loose fitting linen clothing and wearing boxers instead of briefs.
The overweight is probably a big factor for me too. And it makes sense, the fat is a good isolator and keeps the heat inside, once the sweating doesn't cool you down you become miserable.
You could go to sauna to get used to the heat, and cool yourself off in the cold bath. Sauna is generally awesome, and in Korea there are public saunas everywhere.
You mean the cruise ships? Can you link to something about that? Cause I tried to google it and it seems like cars are still very much ahead of all the other transportation methods by pollution.
Obviously this isn’t to rail against the necessity of shipping but it’s an example of the fact that these issues will be solved by industry, not individuals
Tis a fact that without AC, Europeans were very prone to really bad illness, especially dangerous when they were feverish. Missionaries to Europe were undergoing a very risky trip.
I can get by if I really tell myself to calm down, chill out with the walking, find ways to carry heavy stuff not on my back, and dip into AC whenever I can. Jumping from shade to shade in the sun is a necessity for me too.
Now that it's the 21 century, you can identify as a different race. This gives immediate respite.
Seriously though. Just enjoy it. You're not going to be the only one in that situation and no-one is that interested in you, they're more worried about their own issues. Over time you'll find ways to adjust your clothing as your body itself adjusts to the environment.
My skin turns to pizza in heat and I hate it but I can either be miserable and hide or enjoy my opportunity. Eventually my skin calmed down and I found that I made sure I drank much more and changed my diet a little.
Ah well, fair enough. Then I hope it will turn out to be the right one to be worth having the swamp ass.
I guess there's not really much solid advise for it. Lose some weight if you're obese, make sure to eat healthy and check if you have any sort of conditions, specifically the heart, that could affect your cardio. Of course, do what you can in regards to climate change, but I think Korea is just like that anyway, and our course on that matter is looking pretty grim anyway.