SAG-AFTRA has officially declared that it is on strike, with actors set to begin their strike at midnight tonight. The board had its meeting on Thursday morning and voted unanimously to approve a strike recommendation forwarded by the negotiating committee. As a result, union members will be able to...
And here it is. First performer's strike since 1980 and only the second time actors have gone on strike together with writers since 1960.
Hopefully it won't take long for the studio's to blink. There's only so many variations of 'Who Wants To Marry A Dude/Lady/Horse/Dwarf/Hologram/Used Fucktoy/Sack O' Flour' style reality tv shows they can try to make in the meantime before they give up and give the actors and writers what they want.
Yeah, but now there's streaming and a boatload of old content that people can catch up on. Promotional tours and live events will suffer, of course, but that's only for new and future content.
Granted, I don't know how sustainable a business model relying on streaming will be in the long term. I seem to recall reading somewhere that the reason shows are disappearing from platforms is because the studios don't want to have to pay residuals (ironically, one of the things that the writers and actors are striking over)