Musk's SpaceX is suing to have the NLRB declared unconstitutional with such awesome groups as Bezos Amazon, so that workers in the US stop having so much power and dominating economics, politics and society...
At some point, the association with Musk has to negatively impact the brand and I wonder if a portion of these headwinds are related to that. The demographic for Teslas isn’t going to be Texas conservatives so the people Musk is directly against are the same people he wants to buy the cars. I have to imagine that like myself, some people who would have probably purchased a Tesla historically would not do so now. I was thinking about going electric and getting a Tesla but won’t be associated with Musk. It’s a single sample of 1 so obviously anecdotal but I can’t be the only person.
There is nothing wrong with a logistical strategy of pushing products to market (without a demand). It's a reasonable way to be able to push the price down. And I believe that is what Tesla wants to do? Tesla is not supposed to be a luxury brand
Yup, demand for BEVs is going down. It turns out, the early adopter demand has been largely saturated and the mass market isn't particularly enamored with it. It's not just Tesla, it's pretty consistent across the market.
Prices need to go down, battery tech needs to improve, and infrastructure needs to be more convenient.
I think inflation eating the economic wiggle room for many is a bigger factor.
Unless of course ICE cars are doing better? But I think growth was not expected for ICE, but it was for EV.
I'm not an analyst, but I think most EV makers are experiencing that demand is slower than expected this year.
431,000 deliveries would still be a small growth year-over-ear, but it would be a massive quarter-to-quarter drop.
This is normal for most companies. Q4 is top quarter, and Q1 is bottom quarter in most industries.
I think if you aren't on the Musk cool aid, this isn't a huge shock. Tesla is not the "miracle company" Musk and his fans claim.
Tesla is a massive financial Ponzi scheme that uses the hype of BEVs to prop the up stock price. At some point, the hype and lies (plus the end of most subsidies) comes to an end. This will eventually bring down Tesla and reveal that BEVs are not some panacea technology.
For anyone who thinks BEVs are some panacea tech, I've got a battery electric bridge to sell you.
The real solution is less driving. Invest in mass transit, separated bicycle lanes, and mixed zoning near transit hubs. Encourage heat pumps instead of separate furnaces and AC units. Encourage local hydrogen production as battery storage for manufacturing sites with excess solar and wind. And so on.
BEVs just perpetuate the same problem that got us here and make people feel good for doing very little. They should exist, but they aren't the solution to our problems.