Dewa We should be nice, they are all under so much pressure.
74 0 ReplyKetchup This reminds me of something Alan Watts said in a lecture once about the three social classes and there perspectives on time:
“The Aristocracy who live completely in the past— they are like potatoes, the better part of them are in the ground”
famous Watts Chuckle
26 0 ReplyHenzzzzi Thats... deep.
11 0 ReplyFredselfish
Now this is the best meme!
10 0 Replytracyspcy
disagree, billionaires are salty deep down.
9 0 ReplyDecimit To eat.
5 0 Replyantonymous Titan was an expedition to find a billionaires heart
4 0 ReplyVicFic!
Death doesn't make them good tho
2 0 ReplyRhabuko
But you could argue, that it has a positive effect.
7 1 Reply
this is so dark, I am stunned lmfao
2 0 ReplyB3_CHAD
12000ft deep to be exact.
2 0 Replymvee The billions didn't sink, it's just some regular humans down there.
3 1 Replyaja Rekt
1 0 Replysocsa Haha murder is funny
2 6 Replyexplodicle It's a reference to the recent OceanGate implosion.
5 0 Reply
platysalty Come on guys, we're better than this.
7 14 ReplyNublets Come on guys, we're above this.
25 0 Replyxerazal
Only ones that deserve any kind of sympathy is the 19 year old son who didn't wanna go but went anyways for his rich ass dad since it was father's day and the titanic expert dude that just wanted to explore. The other 3 were rich jackasses who thought they were invincible or some shit.
22 1 Replyfeck_it We should better to who deserves it. If they express themselves in a obnixously prideful way, well...
4 1 Replypazukaza I'm with you on this one. I love dark humor but this one just seems like hateful humor. If it is inspired by hate, I'm no longer on that boat.
Feels like "the only good commie is a dead commie. HAHAHA" but opposite.
4 10 Replynotsofunnycomment
Having robbed the world for decades, and having personally solidified a rapacious system, these people are responsible for a lot of past and future misery, ranging from missed opportunities to death and disease.
8 1 Reply