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Is Flatpaks the future for Linux?

So a few popular Linux distros decided to drop a few major packages like how red hat dropped rpm packages for libreoffice in favor for the flatpak packages.

If more distros decided to drop more packages from their main repository in favor for flatpak packages, then are there any obvious concerns? From my personal experience, flatpaks didn't work well for me. If flatpaks become mainstream and takeover the linux distros, then I might just move to Freebsd. I just want to know if there is any positives to moving away from official repositories to universal repositories.

  • Considering the Steam Deck accounts for a huge portion of Linux installs, I think flatpaks are going to be here to start and only grow in popularity.

    I have to ask though, why do people dislike flatpaks?

    • Flatpaks are slow and take more resources. It is only useful for the riches who can afford 16 GB+ RAM and TBs of storage.

      • Ram and storage are both dirt cheap, I'd consider any new laptop/pc with only 8gb non upgradable RAM ewaste these days. 2tb NVMe drives have dropped below 100€ already and 1tb below 50€

      • question, just how much bigger is say flatpack version of a program over the native package? Like right now I am running steam in back ground and I have like 8 youtube video loaded to play latter. Together my browser and steam are using 6 gb of ram. Witch I believe are snaps. How much bigger and slower are looking at?

  • Flatpak just sucks for us with potato level hardware. It is much slower and crashes. Some things just didn't work until I got mine built from source using AUR scripts. I had checked the memory usage, the flatpak version of EasyEffects took much more memory than the native one. I don't want Linux to become Windows with this Flatpak nonsense that wastes my desktop's resources more than it should. Whenever I played music with EasyEffects flatpak, my CPU usage went up literally 80%, but with the native build, EE now does not go beyond like 5% CPU.

    Any package that will force me to use Flatpak, I simply won't use it at all, or find some workaround. I will not donate a single penny to the project itself, but I will to the one who found the workaround.

  • only played around with mint so no idea why folks hate flatpacks, it seems to be very seamless

  • I think it will make a great "app store" for Linux. Easy for the new or average user to find and install apps.