T.Rex Arms sells gun accessories. According to one expert, "The product is ideology, too.”
They have money, they have influence, they have charisma, and they have technical expertise. And they're using to pursue a theocratic America, even if they have to kill anyone who gets in their way.
Yes I know who Trex arms are, and most of alt right, scared, anti gubmit pro jaysus YouTube are. And the fact that you now know who they are is a problem to me. Y'all-queda should be mushrooms, kept in the dark and fed shit.
Tell me, now that you know who this prepper and grifter is. Now that "you know your enemy", what're you going to do about them? Hate watch their videos? Tell your friends? Any interaction with an attention hungry fascist just enables them.
The only way I want to interact with this bullshit is to punch them in the face. Anything else and we're amplifying their ignorant message of hate and disinclusion. The only way you fight fascists in the media is to make fun of them.
Lib atheist here. I watch tons of GunTubers. I'm certainly biased as I stay away from the right-wing shit, but I can't name a serious, well-known gun channel that bends right or Christian.
Something about T-Rex though... Seems like I read some news about them on /r/liberalgunowners that turned me off. Can't remember.
More than anything I am concerned that we cant just watch the other sides videos even if we disagree with their overall politics. I have seem T-rex arm videos a little, and I think he is just standard christian probably with a more libertarian bent.