Ambient BD-1 Droid
Ambient BD-1 Droid

This LEGO STAR WARS BD-1 statue has been tricked out and come alive! With various gadgets, I’ve taught BD-1 to beep and chirp (and, most importantly, turn its lights on) when someone is detected nearby. This is done via a motion sensor attached to BD-1’s left foot. Everything is controlled by an Arduino Nano, and its code lets BD-1 know when to beep so it doesn’t become an annoyance! This can also be set manually via a mute button. But if it’s been a good droid, you can pet it, as it reacts to the outputs of two capacitive touch sensors.
The Adruino is connected to a DFMini MP3-Player, which can play sound files loaded onto an onboard MicroSD card. These soundfiles have been meticulously extracted from the STAR WARS: JEDI: FALLEN ORDER game files. This was only possible thanks to the many hours of volunteer work that has gone into identifying the files.
You can see the code on my github.
Resources used:
- JFO Audio Files Database
- JFO File Extraction Guide
- ChatGPT and Claude 2
Note: I have no affiliation with STAR WARS, Lucasfilm, Disney or LEGO. This project is just for fun, serves no commercial purpose and falls under fair use doctrine. The sound files were extracted from my copy of the game.