Should we change app names?
Should we change app names?
I've heard a lot of people want to change app names. Which I'm totally fine with! I've heard a lot of love for the name "Voyager"
So, thoughts? Do you prefer renaming? Do you like the name "Voyager"? Any other good ideas?
Comment below!
Wefwef is kinda silly but it has the SEO for it, nothing else on the net will not be the app right?
If I googled voyager I’m picturing some Star Trek results n other random shit (thinking of new people googling or searching the App Store)
Phoebus is cool, but might run into generic SEO and like Tildes……’howd ya say it IRL? Feeebus?? Foe-bus’
1 0 Replychikaygo Vote for keeping wefwef. It’s kitschy and odd and unique.
1 0 ReplyHeIlo .
1 0 Replytalou
wefwef is memorizable, but I'd like to know what it stands for
0 0 Replyaeharding OP
I’d like to know what it stands for
literally nothing. It's a name I came up with out of pure laziness: it's where my fingers rest on the keyboard and I can type it one-handed 😂
0 0 Replykratoz29 This alone already counts as lore!
I'd appreciate a new name, but now I'm conflicted.
0 0 Reply
U de Recife
Wefwef is weirdly arresting. I know not what it means, but it has a ring to it that makes it unique.
Voyager is just meh. More of the same.
0 0 Replycan I asked before and they said it was easy to type with one hand lol
0 0 Reply
NotAPenguin You're gonna lose all momentum and be harder to find if you change the name.
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