When Blue users where getting pushed to the top. The vitriol was always bad, but it was altogether too much when you couldn't open the replies to anything without reading the most heinous shit imaginable.
I left around the time it was bought. I probably don't have to elaborate much on that but it hadn't quite felt like a place where I was welcome before, but it would be actively hostile after. And that did turn out to be the case.
It was just one of his juvenile stunts, but it struck a chord with me that he was a jackass and not the visionary that the media had largely painted him out to be until that time.
I only ever really got into twitter with any real frequency on an account for a character I had on a DayZ roleplaying server a few years back. In that lore we were right at the beginning of the outbreak and the internet still worked for the first few months, so we were all on twitter posting about a civil war in a non-existent country and a global zombie apocalypse. A bunch of accounts got banned for threatening to kill one another. It was fun.
I could never really take twitter seriously after that. Or before, really.
I bailed around 2016 because I knew what a shit show it was going to be when Trump won. I also closed my Reddit, Imgur, and Facebook accounts around the same time.
I quit Twitter in 2017, because the toxic political arguing was non-stop, and seeing a bunch of Trumpers spewing shit all over the proverbial walls all day wasn't fun or healthy.
When musk tweeted something about requiring users to provide their location, I bailed (I know he never followed through on this).
Worked out OK, because I had time to find most of the people I was following on other platforms. When he killed 3rd party clients I definitely would have rage quit had I not already left.
When he axed the moderation team, and it turned out that the algorithm is so broken it shows gore videos to people who have never clicked gore accounts.
What I heard is that it mainly happened to people who follow gimmick accounts. Basically people would spam gore in the comments of those accounts, and the algorithm assumes that if you follow that account, you'll also like gore.
I haven't heard about it in a long time, so it's probably been fixed. But basically multiple people I know got a pretty horrendous video of a pet being killed on their feed, and I'm too sensitive to even RISK scrolling past that.