Are we still pretending the measures they took actually worked? I mean really guys, if you think that we needed more intervention to stop the covid then I dont really know what to tell you.
Well, we took a ton of half measures and performed a lot of safety theater. Big shocker, it didn't work well. Either way, the point wasn't to stop the disease entirely, but spread out the cases to "flatten the curve" and reduce load on hospitals, which it did do.
The thing is, even now we could totally wipe out COVID and other airborne diseases if we just handed out N95 masks to everyone and they actually wore the fucking things. But counting on voluntary participation is a pipe dream, since people will inevitably take their masks off at home and whatnot.
No, it didnt work at all. We literally knew lockdowns didnt work in spring of 2020, it was all a steaming pile of bullshit including flattening the curve.
Apples and oranges. There was a study in spring of 2020 by JP morgan chase that showed the exact thing that anyone that was looking at the data would see, the lockdowns did absolutely nothing. Literally nothing.
Man, a massive corporation whose bottom line would be hugely impacted from a proper lock down said a proper lockdown wouldn't work? That's craaaaaaaaazy 🙄
Sigh, fine lets trace the money... Lockdowns caused the largest transfer in wealth to the rich and large corporations in the history of the world. Would a large corporation want lockdowns or not?
The measures worked much better on the countries that applied them more throughly. As far as European countries go, Italy got struck the earliest without taking measures and their healthcare system collapsed; Spain took note of the situation, applied extremely harsh measures, and while some regions went through severe problems, we got through it far better than Italy.
I'm comparing very similar countries in terms of culture, economics, geographical region, climate, education and technology, which are in the same market and have freedom of movement towards each other, except during the lockdowns.
I love how you start with "hey dumfuck" and expect me to actually read the rest. I hope the hilarity of spelling it dumb as "dum" is not lost on you.
What America needed to do was lock down interstate travel but we didn't do that. We had no real quarantine, and people only broadly respected the mask mandate for a few months.
Because we have rights and if mini-lockdowns dont work, I dont think crazy lockdowns would be justified. Why should I a healthy person not be able to do anything because other people might get sick? Why dont they stay in their house and let the other 90% of the population keep working?
Half-measures are often far less than half-as-effective. Mini-lockdown didn't work because it wasn't a real quarantine, isolation was not achieved. Did you know the word quarantine comes from Latin meaning forty days? Because that's how long ships were kept out of Venice in the late 1300s to make sure nobody on board had the plague. That's the kind of harsh policy required for success, but the world decided that the immediate economy is worth more than permanent eradication of dangerous pathogens.
So then you agree with me that the lockdowns didnt work? That is really all I am trying to say here, the issue is that people still believe the lockdowns actually worked, and all of the evidence shows literally the exact opposite.